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November 2, 2005

Abercrombie advocates lifting ban on OCS gas drilling

Washington, DC -- Congressman Neil Abercrombie today advocated opening the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) to natural gas drilling, while making it clear that he favors maintaining the ban on oil drilling.


Abercrombie made the statements in a televised debate that took place in the House Resources Committee hearing room.


Other Members of Congress participating in the debate were Rep. John Peterson (R-PA), who also favors OCS gas drilling; and Reps. Connie Mack (R-FL) and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (D-FL), who favor maintaining the ban.


“We should keep the ban on oil drilling in place, but I believe we need to reexamine our policy on natural gas,” said Abercrombie. “It is used not only by consumers, but it plays a critical role in manufacturing everything from electricity to food products to building materials to agricultural fertilizers. Unlike oil, where a worldwide market dictates one price everywhere, natural gas prices vary wildly from one country to another, and they are rising faster than any other energy source.  The U.S. price has nearly doubled in the past six months, and it is more than 10 times as expensive in this country than in Russia and many other manufacturing countries. 


“This disparity and instability is accelerating the exodus of U.S. manufacturing, with its attendant loss of jobs and economic vitality.  Although my home state of Hawaii has little  in the way of manufacturing, the impact will be felt here as the volatility affects the national economy.  According to the Federal government, the OCS contains 406 trillion [t as in Thomas] cubic feet of gas, an estimated 50 year supply.  That’s enough to make a huge difference for the country and every working family whose well being depends on the health of the economy.”
