[House Seal]

[Hawaiian Flag]
June 26, 2006
Abercrombie ethanol statement 



Washington, DC -- Congressman Neil Abercrombie issued the following statement today in response to the Honolulu Advertiser’s June 25, 2006, story on Hawaii ethanol production, “Not made in Hawai’i” (www.honoluluadvertiser.com): 

“Senator Akaka and I are working to fund last year’s $36 million authorization for sugarcane to ethanol demonstration projects in Hawaii, Louisiana, Florida, and Texas.  We’re also in the process of securing the implementation of the sugar ethanol loan guarantee program, which guarantees up to 80% of a project’s cost up to $50 million.  Senator Akaka and I inserted language authorizing these projects in the 2005 Energy bill.


“Our efforts are a part of a larger movement which is transforming Hawaii’s sugar companies from food producers to energy producers.  The state mandate for a 10 percent gasoline-ethanol blend is a major incentive, as are HECO plans to generate electricity from ethanol.  Ethanol holds out the prospect of increased energy independence, job preservation, a revitalized sugar industry and cleaner air.”
