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Public Affairs Contacts | Congressional Affairs Contacts | Regional Contacts

Public Affairs Contacts

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General Information

USGS Public Affairs staff is available to the media around-the-clock to provide information as quickly as possible. Call 703-648-4460 for information about:

  • Biology—Invasive and endangered species, wildlife and wildlife diseases (West Nile Virus, chronic wasting disease) and fisheries
  • Geology—Energy (oil, gas, coal, methane hydrates), minerals, geologic mapping, coastal erosion and marine geology
  • Geography—Topographic mapping, satellite images
  • Hazards—Earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides, subsidence and floods, Geomagnetism/geomagnetic storms
  • Water—Water quality, ground water, glaciers, toxic substances and freshwater and marine ecosystems
Headquarters Contacts
Phone: 703-648-4460 

Public Affairs Officer: Mike G. Gauldin

For information related to earthquake events contact: 303-273-8500
(USGS National Earthquake Information Center)

Catherine Puckett, 352-264-3532
Clarice Ransom, 703-648-4299
Esmeralda Campos, 703-648-7262
Jennifer LaVista, 703-648-4432
Jessica Robertson, 703-648-6624
Karen Wood, 703-648-4447

Meetings, Conferences, Trade Shows:

Diane Welch, 703-648-4373

Visitors Center:

Elizabeth Stettner, 703-648-5928

Audio Visuals:

Don Becker, 605-594-6175



Congressional Affairs Contacts

USGS Congressional Affairs staff are available to Members of Congress and their staff at 703-648-4455. For information and support after hours, please contact the Public Affairs cell phone (703) 648-4460 and request will be passed along to the appropriate specialist.  Additional information related to USGS Congressional Statements and Hearing Transcripts may be found at the Speeches and Congressional Statements link found on this page. View information about past USGS Congressional Briefing Series.

  • Biology—Invasive and endangered species, wildlife and wildlife diseases (West Nile Virus, chronic wasting disease) and fisheries
  • Geology—Energy (oil, gas, coal, methane hydrates), minerals, geologic mapping, coastal erosion and marine geology
  • Geography—Topographic mapping, satellite images
  • Hazards—Earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides, subsidence and floods, Geomagnetism/geomagnetic storms
  • Water—Water quality, ground water, glaciers, toxic substances and freshwater and marine ecosystems
Headquarters Contacts
Phone: 703-648-4455
Fax: 703-648-5427 

Congressional Affairs Officer: Tim West, 703-648-4455

Kathleen Gohn, 703-648-4242
Bill Lukas, 703-648-6168

Staff Assistant:

Nicole Adkinson, 703-648-4436


Regional Contacts

Eastern Region
(States included: AL, CT, DE, DC, FL, GA, IL, IN, KY, MA, MD, ME, MI, MS, NC, NH, NJ, NY, OH, PA, PR, RI, SC, TN, VA, VI, VT, WI, WV)

A.B. Wade, 703-648-4483 (main contact)
Diane Noserale, 703-648-4333

Central Region
(States included: AR, CO, IA, KS, LA, MN, MO, MT, ND, NE, NM, OK, SD, TX, WY)

David Ozman, 303-202-4744 (main contact)
Heidi Koontz, 303-202-4763

Western Region
(States included: AK, AZ, CA, HI, ID, NV, OR, UT, WA)

Vic Hines, 206-220-4573 (main contact)
Leslie Gordon, 650-329-4006
Paul Laustsen, 650-329-4046


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Page Contact Information: Ask USGS
Page Last Modified: Thursday, June 11, 2009