[House Seal]

[Hawaiian Flag]
December 6, 2007
Abercrombie: Reduce rents for USS Missouri

Washington, D.C. -- As the nation’s attention turns to Hawaii on December 7th to remember the events that catapulted the United States into World War II, Congressman Neil Abercrombie wants the Navy to reduce the rents for nonprofit groups to run national memorials at Pearl Harbor such as the USS Missouri which pays more than $207,000 a year at Pearl Harbor.

“The nonprofit organizations that operate and maintain these living symbols of our nation’s heritage are doing us all a great service.” Abercrombie said. “Without them, many of the country’s most precious symbols would have been lost forever, and succeeding generations would never have the chance to visit and experience America’s history. It is unfortunate that, instead of making it easier for these groups to carry out their missions of preservation, we make it more difficult.”

Under federal law, the military may charge “fair market value” rent to nonprofits that lease military property to display war memorials. But those payments may be reduced if the Secretary of a military department determines that “a public interest will be served as a result of the lease” and the fair market value of the lease is unobtainable, or not compatible with a public benefit.

The Navy charges rents to the USS Missouri Memorial Association and USS Bowfin Submarine Museum and Park at Pearl Harbor. The USS Arizona and USS Oklahoma memorials are not affected because they fall under the National Park Service.

“The USS Missouri Memorial Association needs financial support, as it depends primarily on admission fees and donations to welcome 400,000 visitors annually on the battleship,” said Abercrombie. “The Battleship Missouri Memorial is of no cost to the federal government and is free of charge for special military events such as re-enlistments. Yet, the association pays a monthly rent of $17,300 while maintaining the battleship in accordance with Navy material standards, including high-cost repairs to preserve the hull.

“I am asking the Secretary of the Navy to consider charging a nominal amount of rent to lessen the financial burden of preserving and maintaining this important part of American history and give similar consideration to other naval memorials, such as the USS Bowfin in the Pear Harbor Historic District.”

The USS Missouri Memorial Association has leased property at Pier Foxtrot-5 on Ford Island for the legendary battleship and paid more than $1.5 million in rent since the original lease was signed in June 1998.  The lease has been renewed twice for three-year periods with a third renewal coming up this year or in 2008. The lease fee was increased 12 percent in 2005 to adjust the charge to “fair market” rent.

The nonprofit Pacific Fleet Submarine Memorial Association operates the USS Bowfin Submarine Museum and Park on Navy land and will have to renew its lease in 2011. The Bowfin’s lease payment is only $1 a year, but it was set before the federal law allowing lease payments was established.
