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How to Search for Projects and Protocols
NRMP is a collaborative effort by the natural resource management community to improve monitoring efforts in order to support effective evaluation and decision-making by sharing information on monitoring projects and protocols
Links: NRMP | Factsheet | PowerPoint

Overview of Project and Protocol Browse and Search

Start at the home page (
     A. Find a project
        1. Project Browse - refine your search by clicking on successive menu choices.
            a. View summary metadata (description)
            b. View full metadata (description)
        2. Project Search - enter keywords into a search box.
            a. View summary metadata (description)
            b. View full metadata (description)
    B. Find a protocol.
        1. Protocol Browse - refine your search by clicking on successive menu choices.
            a. View summary metadata (description)
            b. View full metadata (description)
        2. Protocol Search - enter keywords into a search box.
            a. View summary metadata (description)
            b. View full metadata (description)

Example of Project and Protocol Browse and Search capabilities within NRMP

I. When you open the NRMP site ( you will see.

NRMP homepage

Your options appear within the blue box on the left side of your screen and include About the NRMP, Enter or Edit a Project or Protocol, Find a Project, Find a Protocol, and News and Announcements. For this example, you will want to choose either:
Find a Project
Find a Protocol

A. Find a Project

NRMP screen
NRMP screen
With the browse approach (A 1), you will be presented with a succession of menus from which you can choose to refine your search. With the search approach A 2), you will enter search terms in a box to find relevant projects.

A 1 Browsing For a Project

You can browse by agency, management question or science focus by clicking on the links either in the blue box or by the images in the white area in the lower center of the screen.

NRMP screen

NRMP screen

The browse tree is:

    Federal Agencies
    Private Sector
    State Agencies
Management Question
    Agricultural Practices
    Climate Change
    Diseases & Pathogens
    Extreme Weather Events
    Herbivory Effects
    Insect Infestations
    Invasive Species
    Land Use Conversion
    Light Pollution
    Noise Effects
    Other Issues
    Population Status & Trends Projects
    Recreation Impacts
    Renewable Resources Use
    Resource Extraction
    Threatened & Endangered Species
    Wilderness Character
Science Focus
        Inland Waters
        Introduced Vegetation Areas
        Other Habitats
        Rocky Areas

If you select science focus > taxa > birds, you will see:

NRMP screen

You can click on Full Metadata to get additional information.

NRMP screen
NRMP screen
NRMP screen
NRMP screen

A 2 Searching For a Project

To search, enter a term or terms in the box.
NRMP screen

It may take several minutes for the search results to appear. Please be patient.
NRMP screen

Clicking on Full Metadata will give the display shown above.

B Find a Protocol

NRMP screen

Your first option is to decide if a browse or search approach is most appropriate to meet your needs. With the browse approach (B 1), you will be presented with a succession of menus from which you can choose to refine your search. Select one of the options in the blue box on the left. With the search approach (A 2), you will enter search terms in the box in the lower center of your screen to find relevant projects.

B 1 Browsing For a Protocol

You can browse by agency, management question or science focus by clicking on one of the options in the blue box.
NRMP screen

The browse tree is:

    Canadian Agencies Protocols
    Federal Agencies' Protocols
    Non-Profit Agencies Protocols
    State Agencies Protocols
Management Question
    Agricultural Practices
    Climate Change
    Diseases & Pathogens
    Extreme Weather Events
    Herbivory Effects
    Insect Infestations
    Invasive Species
    Land Use Conversion
    Light Pollution
    Noise Effects
    Other Management Issues
    Population Status & Trends Projects
    Recreation Impacts
    Renewable Resources Use
    Resource Extraction
    Threatened & Endangered Species
    Wilderness Character
Science Focus
        Caves & Subterranean (Non-Aquatic)
        Introduced Vegetation
        Rocky Areas
        Wetlands and Inland Waters
        Amphibian Protocols
        Bird Protocols
        Fish Protocols
        Invertebrate Protocols
        Mammal Protocols
        Non-Vascular Plant Protocols
        Reptile Protocols
        Vascular Plant Protocols    
Land Scapes
        Water Quality
        Water: Hydrology

If you select science focus > taxa > bird protocols, you will see:

NRMP screen

Clicking on Full Metadata will give this display.

NRMP screen
NRMP screen
NRMP screen
NRMP screen
NRMP screen

B 2 Searching For a Protocol

Enter your search terms in the box.

NRMP screen

It may take several minutes for the search results to appear. Please be patient.

NRMP screen

Clicking on Full Metadata will give the display shown above.

Thanks to USGS Fort Collins Science Center for hosting this page.

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