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Links to Other Sites Relating to Johannes Kepler

Music (IYA - 2009)

Listen to AstroCappella songs by The Chromatics with themes about Kepler and Galileo:

  • Dance of the Planets - about extrasolar planets
  • Shoulders of Giants, commissioned by the Johannes Kepler Project, written and arranged by Padi Boyd and performed by The Chromatics, specifically for the International Year of Astronomy. We hope the song will strike a harmonious cord with people and be used in a variety of other IYA projects around the globe. To this end, we would like to make this song freely available for such use, asking only that the appropriate credits be given to the composer (Padi Boyd), the performers (The Chromatics/AstroCappella) and the Johannes Kepler Project. (use of the song as part of a commercial project will require a copyright release from the Project.)

Museum: (June 2000)

There is a web site for the Kepler Museum in Weil der Stadt by the Kepler-Gesellschaft e. V.

Drama: (June 2000)

There is a play on Kepler and Tycho "Reading The Mind of God" by Patrick Gabridge

Sites describing Kepler's Laws

Animations Illustrating Kepler's Laws Also nice history.

Animations Illustrating Kepler's Laws The NASA Observatorium
(Requires browser supporting Java such as Netscape 3.0)

Kepler's Discovery website (http://www.keplersdiscovery.com) is an educational adventure into the concepts, thought processes and consequences of Kepler's discoveries. It provides an excellent supplement to secondary school and college classes on astronomy, mathematics and the history of science.

LaRouche Youth Movement (LYM) works on Kepler:
(these links do not constitute an endorsement of LYM)

  • Harmony of the World - a work on the mind of Johannes Kepler, as seen through his Harmonice Mundi. Includes animations.
  • New Astronomy of Johannes Kepler with animations.

Lectures on Kepler's Laws George Mason University, Astronomy 107

Lecture on ellipses and planetary motion Univ Tennessee Astronomy 162

Kepler's Laws The electronic Universe Project Univ of Oregon

Sites with biographies

Short Biography MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive Univ St Andrews. Has several portraits

(Caution: There are only four known portraits done in Kepler's lifetime. I have not been able to definitely identify which are which. The biograghy by Max Caspar discusses the issue at the very end, but does not reproduce them. The cover of the Dover publication by Caspar is a modern drawing.)

Outline Biography Rice University

Short Biography from Knowledge Adventure

Short Biography from Encarta MSN

Not so Short Biography by Galileo Project

Golden Age of Astronomy in Prague

Kepler's House in Linz 1625

Johannes Kepler University-Linz Austria

Kepler Astronomy Picture of the Day

New Astronomy by Kepler, translation by W. H. Donahue, Green Lion Press

Optics by Kepler, translation by W. H. Donahue, Green Lion Press

Weil der Stadt, Kepler's birth place. Click on Sehenswürdigkeiten. Then click on the red dot for marktplatz to see the Kepler monument in Weil der Stadt.

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25 February, 2009
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