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Polar Bear Research at the Alaska Science Center

Male Polar Bear - photo by Steve Amstrup, USGSPolar bears (Ursus maritimus) are one of 4 marine mammal species managed by the U.S. Department of Interior1. The USGS Alaska Science Center conducts research on polar bears to better inform Departmental policy makers regarding conservation of the species and its habitat. Our studies, ongoing since 1985, are focused primarily on population dynamics and habitat use. The majority of our research is conducted on the Southern Beaufort Sea population of Alaska and neighboring Canada. The USGS studied polar bears in the Chukchi Sea during the 1990’s and plans to begin new work on this population (shared with Russia) in 2008. Results of our studies are published in peer-reviewed journal articles and reports.

1The other species managed by the DOI are sea otters, Pacific walrus, and manatees. The U.S. Department of Commerce manages all other marine mammals.

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