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Cash Management Improvement Act (CMIA)

Interest Rates for State Fiscal Year 2007

FY 2007 Interest Rates

Other Fiscal Years

The annualized interest rate is different for State fiscal years that began on April 1, 2006; July 1, 2006; September 1, 2006; and October 1, 2006.

For States with a fiscal year that began on April 1, 2006:

The annualized interest rate is 5.01% (0.0501)
The daily interest rate is 0.01372% (0.0001372)

For States with a fiscal year that began on July 1, 2006:

The annualized interest rate is 5.02% (0.0502)
The daily interest rate is 0.01376% (0.0001376)

For States with a fiscal year that began on September 1, 2006:

The annualized interest rate is 4.95% (0.0495)
The daily interest rate is 0.01357% (0.0001357)

For States with a fiscal year that began on October 1, 2006:

The annualized interest rate is 4.89% (0.0489)
The daily interest rate is 0.01339% (0.0001339)

The daily interest rate is calculated by dividing the annualized rate by 365 calendar days.

April 1, 2006 - March 31, 2007
Auction Date 13-Week Rate Auction Date 13-Week Rate
04/03/06 - 4.651 10/02/06 - 4.890
04/10/06 - 4.688 10/10/06 - 4.978
04/17/06 - 4.719 10/16/06 - 5.072
04/24/06 - 4.755 10/23/06 - 5.124
05/01/06 - 4.807 10/30/06 - 5.108
05/08/06 - 4.864 11/06/06 - 5.088
05/15/06 - 4.864 11/13/06 - 5.088
05/22/06 - 4.828 11/20/06 - 5.071
05/30/06 - 4.843 11/27/06 - 5.036
06/05/06 - 4.833 12/04/06 - 4.999
06/12/06 - 4.926 12/11/06 - 4.926
06/19/06 - 4.958 12/18/06 - 4.952
06/26/06 - 5.036 12/26/06 - 5.004
07/03/06 - 5.088 01/02/07 - 5.062
07/10/06 - 5.056 01/08/07 - 5.072
07/17/06 - 5.098 01/16/07 - 5.108
07/24/06 - 5.108 01/22/07 - 5.129
07/31/06 - 5.108 01/29/07 - 5.145
08/07/06 - 5.124 02/05/07 - 5.145
08/14/06 - 5.114 02/12/07 - 5.160
08/21/06 - 5.109 02/20/07 - 5.171
08/28/06 - 5.093 02/26/07 - 5.185
09/05/06 - 4.984 03/05/07 - 5.112
09/11/06 - 4.947 03/12/07 - 5.112
09/18/06 - 4.942 03/19/07 - 5.075
09/25/06 - 4.895 03/26/07 - 5.070

July 1, 2006 - June 30, 2007
Auction Date 13-Week Rate Auction Date 13-Week Rate
07/03/06 - 5.088 01/02/07 - 5.062
07/10/06 - 5.056 01/08/07 - 5.072
07/17/06 - 5.098 01/16/07 - 5.108
07/24/06 - 5.108 01/22/07 - 5.129
07/31/06 - 5.108 01/29/07 - 5.145
08/07/06 - 5.124 02/05/07 - 5.145
08/14/06 - 5.114 02/12/07 - 5.160
08/21/06 - 5.109 02/20/07 - 5.171
08/28/06 - 5.093 02/26/07 - 5.185
09/05/06 - 4.984 03/05/07 - 5.112
09/11/06 - 4.947 03/12/07 - 5.112
09/18/06 - 4.942 03/19/07 - 5.075
09/25/06 - 4.895 03/26/07 - 5.070
10/02/06 - 4.890 04/02/07 - 5.055
10/10/06 - 4.978 04/09/07 - 5.023
10/16/06 - 5.072 04/16/07 - 5.008
10/23/06 - 5.124 04/23/07 - 4.976
10/30/06 - 5.108 04/30/07 - 4.924
11/06/06 - 5.088 05/07/07 - 4.898
11/13/06 - 5.088 05/14/07 - 4.867
11/20/06 - 5.071 05/21/07 - 4.914
11/27/06 - 5.036 05/29/07 - 4.919
12/04/06 - 4.999 06/04/07 - 4.846
12/11/06 - 4.926 06/11/07 - 4.773
12/18/06 - 4.952 06/18/07 - 4.617
12/26/06 - 5.004 06/25/07 - 4.820

September 1, 2006 - August 31, 2007
Auction Date 13-Week Rate Auction Date 13-Week Rate
09/05/06 - 4.984 03/05/07 - 5.112
09/11/06 - 4.947 03/12/07 - 5.112
09/18/06 - 4.942 03/19/07 - 5.075
09/25/06 - 4.895 03/26/07 - 5.070
10/02/06 - 4.890 04/02/07 - 5.055
10/10/06 - 4.978 04/09/07 - 5.023
10/16/06 - 5.072 04/16/07 - 5.008
10/23/06 - 5.124 04/23/07 - 4.976
10/30/06 - 5.108 04/30/07 - 4.924
11/06/06 - 5.088 05/07/07 - 4.898
11/13/06 - 5.088 05/14/07 - 4.867
11/20/06 - 5.071 05/21/07 - 4.914
11/27/06 - 5.036 05/29/07 - 4.919
12/04/06 - 4.999 06/04/07 - 4.846
12/11/06 - 4.926 06/11/07 - 4.773
12/18/06 - 4.952 06/18/07 - 4.617
12/26/06 - 5.004 06/25/07 - 4.820
01/02/07 - 5.062 07/02/07 - 4.930
01/08/07 - 5.072 07/09/07 - 4.956
01/16/07 - 5.108 07/16/07 - 4.982
01/22/07 - 5.129 07/23/07 - 5.029
01/29/07 - 5.145 07/30/07 - 4.966
02/05/07 - 5.145 08/06/07 - 4.909
02/12/07 - 5.160 08/13/07 - 4.763
02/20/07 - 5.171 08/20/07 - 2.919
02/26/07 - 5.185 08/27/07 - 4.732

October 1, 2006 - September 30, 2007
Auction Date 13-Week Rate Auction Date 13-Week Rate
10/02/06 - 4.890 04/02/07 - 5.055
10/10/06 - 4.978 04/09/07 - 5.023
10/16/06 - 5.072 04/16/07 - 5.008
10/23/06 - 5.124 04/23/07 - 4.976
10/30/06 - 5.108 04/30/07 - 4.924
11/06/06 - 5.088 05/07/07 - 4.898
11/13/06 - 5.088 05/14/07 - 4.867
11/20/06 - 5.071 05/21/07 - 4.914
11/27/06 - 5.036 05/29/07 - 4.919
12/04/06 - 4.999 06/04/07 - 4.846
12/11/06 - 4.926 06/11/07 - 4.773
12/18/06 - 4.952 06/18/07 - 4.617
12/26/06 - 5.004 06/25/07 - 4.820
01/02/07 - 5.062 07/02/07 - 4.930
01/08/07 - 5.072 07/09/07 - 4.956
01/16/07 - 5.108 07/16/07 - 4.982
01/22/07 - 5.129 07/23/07 - 5.029
01/29/07 - 5.145 07/30/07 - 4.966
02/05/07 - 5.145 08/06/07 - 4.909
02/12/07 - 5.160 08/13/07 - 4.763
02/20/07 - 5.171 08/20/07 - 2.919
02/26/07 - 5.185 08/27/07 - 4.732
03/05/07 - 5.112 09/04/07 - 4.472
03/12/07 - 5.112 09/10/07 - 3.901
03/19/07 - 5.075 09/17/07 - 4.160
03/26/07 - 5.070 09/24/07 - 3.922

   Last Updated:  Thursday October 18, 2007

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