USAID Lebanon: From the American People



Monday, July 06, 2009

Beirut, Lebanon

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID)/Lebanon Mission Director Denise A. Herbol attended the "Neighborhood Improvement" project closing ceremony in Saida.  The ceremony recognized fifty youth volunteers who conceived, planned and implemented community improvement activities in the last six months.

These youth volunteers were recruited and trained to lead community development activities in Old Saida and Taameer.  They learned communication and interpersonal skills to design community activities and how to use the arts as an outreach tool.  The volunteers used wall paintings, theater, rehabilitation of a public garden and a children’s playground, and, founded a cinema club that regularly screens films dealing with various issues followed by open discussions.   The volunteers promoted Palestinian-Lebanese understanding and cooperation.  They worked with over 5500 beneficiaries.

The Office of Transition Initiatives, part of USAID, implemented this $73,000 project.