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Charles E. Peterson Prize

How to Participate Past Winners
Judging and Rating Scale Rules and Recommendations


2007 Peterson Prize Poster
The Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS) of the National Park Service, The Athenaeum of Philadelphia and The American Institute of Architects (AIA) announce the 2009 Charles E. Peterson Prize, which annually recognizes the best set of measured drawings prepared to HABS standards and donated to HABS by students.

The prize honors Charles E. Peterson, FAIA, founder of the HABS program, and is intended to increase awareness, knowledge, and appreciation of historic buildings throughout the United States while adding to the permanent HABS collection of measured drawings at the Library of Congress. To date, more than 2,000 students from 68 colleges and universities have participated by completing more than 500 entries and almost 5,000 sheets of measured drawings. The students have worked alone and in groups, in required courses, electives, independent study and summer institutes. They have been, for the most part, architecture students in addition to architectural history, interior design, and American studies majors.


First Place:     $3,000 and Certificate

Second Place: $2,500 and Certificate

Third Place:    $2,000 and Certificate

Fourth Place:  $1,500 and Certificate

Honorable Mention Certificate

(All prizes are awarded at the discretion of the jury)