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Interpretation of Biomarkers Using Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Modeling
Progress Reports
In Response to a Request for Applications which closed on September 26, 2006

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Identifier Abstract Principal Investigator Annual/ Final Reports Pubs Count Institution Project Period
1 R833451
An Integrated Computational Framework for the Interpretation of Organophosphorus Pesticide Biomarkers Reisfeld, Brad
Chambers, Janice E.
Lyons, Michael A.
Mayeno, Arthur N.
Yang, Raymond S.H.
  Colorado State University,Mississippi State University - Main Campus October 2007 -
September 2010  
2 R833452
Development of a PBPK Model for Interpreting Biomonitoring Data on Carbaryl and Other N-methyl-carbamates Clewell, Harvey
Allen, Bruce
Kedderis, Gregory
Tan, Yu-Mei
  The Hamner Institutes September 2007 -
August 2010  
3 R833454
CYP-Specific PBPK/PD Models to Interpret Biomarkers for Organophosphate Pesticides Olson, James
Bonner, Matthew R.
Browne, Richard
Knaak, James B.
Kostyniak, Paul J.
Yu, Aiming
  SUNY at Buffalo September 2007 -
August 2010  
4 R833453
Use of Biomarkers and Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic (PBPK) Modeling in Risk Analysis for Developmental Effects of Chlorpyrifos Hattis, Dale
Andrews, Howard F.
Garfinkel, Robin S.
Ginsberg, Gary
Goble, Robert
Hoepner, Lori A.
Rauh, Virginia
Whyatt, Robin M.
  Clark University,Columbia University June 2007 -
May 2010  
5 R833450
Determination of Aggregate and Cumulative Exposures of Perfluorinated Compounds Consistent with Biomarkers of the Compounds Using Simulation Modeling of Exposure and Pharmacokinetics Chaisson, Christine
Andersen, Melvin E.
Clewell, Harvey
Franklin, Claire A.
Jayjock, Michael
Krewski, Daniel
Mathis, Eric T.
Ramsay, Tim
Tan, Yu-Mei
Tedder, Douglas R.
  The LifeLine Group, Inc.,Center for Human Health Assessment CIIT Centers for Health Research,University of Ottawa’s Institute for Population Health May 2007 -
May 2010  
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The perspectives, information and conclusions conveyed in research project abstracts, progress reports, final reports, journal abstracts and journal publications convey the viewpoints of the principal investigator and may not represent the views and policies of ORD and EPA. Conclusions drawn by the principal investigators have not been reviewed by the Agency.

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