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Technology Institute for Rural Law Enforcement

October 25-29, 2009
Coronado (San Diego), California

Registration has closed.

This technology institute, sponsored by the National Institute of Justice and hosted by the Rural Law Enforcement Technology Center, is designed for the command staff or supervisory personnel of rural and small law enforcement agencies containing less than 50 sworn officers. Law enforcement personnel will learn about and discuss technology initiatives and issues affecting the rural and small law enforcement community. Participants will receive information and assistance on existing and developing technologies, work through problems relating to technology implementation, and exchange technology lessons learned, that are of importance to the rural and small law enforcement community.

Costs and Attendance

There is no registration cost and all travel, food, and lodging expenses are paid. However, only 35 individuals will be selected to attend.

Note: Previous attendees of the Rural Law Enforcement Technology Institute or NIJ's Law Enforcement or Corrections Technology Institutes are not eligible to reattend.

Participants will give brief (no more than 15 minutes) presentations on a technology issue that their departments have encountered or are in the process of implementing (e.g., implementation of a crime mapping program, new communications system, automated booking station). The presentation can be either on an "issue to be dealt with" or a "lessons learned" and must be submitted on CD-ROM with the application.

Contact Information

Please contact Scott Barker, Deputy Director-Rural Law Enforcement Technology Center, at 866-787-2553 or by email at for additional information about the Rural Law Enforcement Technology Institute.

Date Modified: August 3, 2009