NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service - Northwest Region

Fishery Management & Evaluation Plans

Fishery management and evaluation plans (FMEPs) are described in the final 4(d) rules issued by NOAA fisheries Service, as a mechanism for addressing the take of certain listed species in fisheries. The primary goal of an FMEP is to devise biologically-based fishery management strategies that ensure the conservation and recovery of listed evolutionarily significant units (ESUs).

Specific guidance on how to use FMEPs to qualify for limitation of take prohibitions under ESA Section 4(d), including how to apply, whether 4(d) is the most appropriate route for your plan, and what other mechanisms are available for addressing fisheries under the Endangered Species Act, is in the pertinent sections of the Northwest Region's Citizen's Guide and Implementation Binder.



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Page last updated: July 9, 2009
