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R. Game McGimsey

Title: Research Geologist
Address: 4210 University Dr., Anchorage, AK 99508-4626
Phone: (907) 786-7432
Fax: (907) 786-7425

Image of R. Game McGimsey

Education and/or Training

M.S.1985University of Colorado at BoulderVolcanology
B.S.1977Unversity of North Carolina at Chapel HillGeology

Areas of Specialization and/or Research Interests

Physical volcanology, volcano hazards, volcano monitoring and eruption response

Professional Experience

1990-PresentGeologist, Alaska Volcano Observatory
1989-90 eruption of Redoubt, 1992 eruptions of Spurr volcano, and eruptions and/or seismic crises at Iliamna, Pavlof, Westdahl, Shishaldin, Korovin, Akutan, and several others. Field projects at Aniakchak, Black Peak, Ukinrek Maars, Katmai, Wrangells (Bona/Churchill, and the mud volcanoes), member of the 2003 Western Aleutian campaign to map Tanaga and Gareloi volcanoes.

Professional Activities and/or Memberships

American Geophysical Union
Geological Society of America
Colorado Scientific Society
Alaska Geological Society

Honors and/or Awards

2001 STAR Award, USGS, logistics associated with 2001 fieldwork at Mt. Bona-Churchill
1996 STAR Award, USGS, for crisis response during Akutan, Pavlof, and Iliamna activity
1993 Special Act Service Award, USGS, for performance during crisis response to 1992 eruption of Spurr vocano
1990 Speical Act Service Award, USGS, for performance during crisis response to 1989-90 eruption of Redoubt volcano

Significant Recent Publications

McGimsey, R.G., Neal, C.A., and Riley, C.M., 2001 Aerial distribution, thickness, mass, volume, and grain size of tephra-fall deposits from the 1992 eruptions of Crater Peak vent, Mt. Spurr Volcano, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 01-370, 32 p.

Miller, T.P., McGimsey, R.G., Richter, D.H., Riehle, J.R., Nye, C.J., Yount, M.E., and Dumoulin, J.A., 1998, Catalog of the historically active volcanoes of Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 98-582. 104 p.

McGimsey, R.G., Richter, D.H., DuBois, G.D., and Miller, T.P., 1992, A postulated new source for the White River Ash, Alaska, in Ford, A.B., and Bradley, D.C., eds., Geologic Studies in Alaska by the U.S. Geological Survey in 1990: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1999, p. 212-218.

McGimsey, R.G., Waythomas, C.F., and Neal, C.A., 1994, High stand and catastrophic draining of intracaldera Surprise Lake, Aniakchak, volcano, Alaska, in Till, A.B., and Moore, T.E., eds., Geological Studies in Alaska by the U.S. Geological Survey in 1993: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 2107 p. 59-71.

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