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Image of the Department of Agriculture's logoDepartment of Agriculture

What is sold

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) sells trucks, ambulances, station wagons, sedans, office equipment, office furniture, computers, and laboratory items (typically microscopes and scales). Although the U.S. General Services Administration sells some of USDA's motor vehicles, USDA also sells vehicles at various field locations around the country.

How items are sold

Personal property is sold through auction or sealed bid.

How sales are advertised

Personal property sales information is advertised through notices in newspapers and Federal Government buildings. A mailing list is maintained for the Washington, DC metropolitan area for personal property sales only. To be placed on this mailing list, see the "For More Information" section. USDA field offices throughout the U.S. do not maintain mailing lists.

Special restrictions/conditions

For personal property sales, USDA prohibits employees who are directly involved in the sale or have used the property as an employee from participating in the sale. Other USDA employees are allow ed to bid. USDA requires guaranteed methods of payment such as money orders, certified checks, or cash.

For more information

To learn about USDA personal property sales, look in the phone directories of the major cities of your state under the "U.S. Government" listings for the USDA office nearest you. Most likely, your state capital will have a USDA office.

Consult the USDA website at

To be placed on a mailing list to learn about USDA personal property sales in the Washington, DC metropolitan area only, write:

U. S. Department of Agriculture
Office of Operations Centralized
Excess Property Operation
6351 Ammendale Rd.
Beltsville, MD 20705

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