
Current Conditions

Conditions at DSRC as of
2009-Aug-24 23:45 UTC:
Temperature:  72.7°F
Calculated Dewpoint:  46°F
Relative Humidity:  38%
Station Pr:  833.8 mb
24.62 in
Sea Level Pr:  1013 mb
29.91 in

More information: Current Conditions

Live View from NOAA in Boulder, CO

View from NOAA in Boulder, CO

*Image is updated every five minutes.

Global Systems Division

Putting tools in the hands of users

The Global Systems Division (GSD) of the Earth System Research Laboratory (ESRL) conducts research and development to provide NOAA and the nation with systems that deliver global environmental information and forecast products ranging from short-term weather predictions to longer-term climate forecasts.

GSD Scientific Goals

  • Developing and improving local-to-global weather prediction models.
  • Investigating high-performance computer architectures as a vehicle for handling the enormous computational demands of global-scale environmental models.
  • Developing environmental information systems to support weather and climate prediction for aviation, homeland security, public land management, rail and road transportation, federal/state/local emergency managers, and other constituents.
  • Bringing new regional-to-global atmospheric observing systems to maturity.

What's Next for GSD?

During the next five to ten years, GSD will continue to support NOAA in the following areas:

  • Conceive, design, and test the forecast impact of meteorological observing systems, with an emphasis on integrated observing systems employing a large range of measurement systems.
  • Develop modeling and assimilation techniques and information systems to improve the short-range weather forecasting necessary for severe weather watches and warnings, heavy precipitation events, water management, air quality forecasting, and fire weather prediction.
  • Develop the global Earth system modeling and assimilation techniques needed for global chemical transport and regional climate simulations.
  • Support NOAA in high-performance computing through new computing technology and improved software engineering practices.
  • Anticipate and respond to customers' needs in an ever-changing technological world through new program development, collaborations, and enhanced environmental science education.