National Park Service black bar with arrowhead logo
History and Culture titlePark Ranger at George Washington Birthplace teaching how Washington did surveying

For Kids

Image of a park ranger with two children learning about archeology

Feeling adventurous?

Do you like to find things that are lost? Figure out stories from clues? Then dig into Archeology for Kids.

How about a little time travel? Take a fabulous trip through more than 3,000 years in The Great American Landmarks Adventure. You'll start with a 1,500-year-old cave painting and end up on the moon in 1969.

From the first shots of the American Revolution through the Cold War of the late 1950s, learn about some of our nation's heroes in American Defenders of Land, Sea & Sky.

Explore, learn, and have fun!

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Park Fun Guide...


image of Thomas Edison Home in New Jersey
Thomas Edison

image of a wagon outside Bent's Fort
Bent's Old Fort
Kid's Trail
image of Ben Franklin in a pondering position
Ben Franklin's
Crossword Puzzle




image of a 36,0000-year-old walrus skull Did You Know?
There is a more than 36,000-year-old fossil walrus skull (Odobenus rosmarus) in the museum collections of Cape Hatteras National Seashore in North Carolina.

History and Culture