Selection Information

Selection Procedure

These programs are administered by Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) for ORNL.  ORAU is part of the UT-Battelle partnership that operates ORNL.  All applications will be processed by ORAU and then made available electronically to appropriate ORNL staff for review and selection.

Selection is based on an applicant’s academic record and recommendations; science and engineering background: research interests and professional goals; compatibility of the applicant’s background and interests with the research needs of ORNL; and the availability of funds, programs, staff, and facilities.

Participants in the programs become temporary employees of ORAU.

Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) is a university consortium leveraging the scientific strength of major research institutions to advance science and education by partnering with national laboratories, government agencies, and private industry. ORAU manages the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education for the U.S. Department of Energy.

Notification of Selection

Offers of appointment are made by ORAU on behalf of ORNL and do not come from ORNL.  Candidates who are not selected for a specific position will be notified.