Energy Frontier Research Centers

   EFRC Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) Information

Funding Opportunity Announcement
Opened: April 4, 2008             Closed: October 1, 2008

DOE Office of Science

Forty-six Energy Frontier Research Center (EFRC) awards were initiated in FY 2009 based on an open competition among academic institutions, DOE laboratories, for-profit entities, and nonprofit organizations.  Research activities are sited singly at a specific institution or in multiple locations through collaborations between institutions.  The EFRC awards are in the $2–5 million range annually for an initial 5-year period.  A Funding Opportunity Announcement (Opened: April 4, 2008; Closed: October 1, 2008) was issued that requested applications from the scientific community for the establishment of the initial suite of EFRCs. Out-year funding is subject to satisfactory progress in the research and the availability of funding appropriations.

History of Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) Updates

April 27, 2009.  The White House today announced that the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science will invest $777 million in Energy Frontier Research Centers (EFRCs) over the next five years.  In a major effort to accelerate the scientific breakthroughs needed to build a new 21st-century energy economy, 46 new multi-million-dollar EFRCs will be established at universities, national laboratories, nonprofit organizations, and private firms across the nation (White House Fact Sheet).

March 26, 2009
.  Two appropriation sources provide funding for EFRCs in FY 2009 (the Omnibus Appropriations Act, 2009 and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009). The review and selection process resulting from the EFRC Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is nearing completion, and the announcement of EFRC awards is expected to occur in April 2009.  Additional Information.

December 5, 2008.  Provided below are the most recent statistics regarding the applications received in response to the EFRC FOA:

  • DOE/BES received approximately 260 applications involving some 385 institutions. 

  • The EFRC applications come from lead institutions in 41 states and the District of Columbia. 

  • The approximate breakdown of applications by lead institution is:  71% from universities, 13% from DOE/NNSA laboratories, and 16% from other institutions (for-profit, nonprofit, and individuals). 

  • Approximately 3800 senior investigators are participating in the EFRC applications; 98% of these come from the U.S. and 2% come from 26 foreign countries. 

  • The U.S. senior investigators come from 44 states and the District of Columbia.

  • The approximate breakdown of U.S. investigators by institution is:  74% universities, 18% DOE/NNSA laboratories, and 6% other institutions. 

  • The average number of investigators per application is 15; the average number of institutions per application is 4.8.

  • The total requested budget for all applications over the 5-year project period is approximately $4900M; the annualized request for all applications is approximately $980M.

  • Applications can be roughly grouped by energy categories associated with the BES Basic Research Needs workshop series as follows:[1]



Energy Sources (Solar Energy Utilization, Advanced Nuclear Energy Systems, Biofuels, Geological Sequestration of CO2)


Energy Efficiency (Clean and Efficient Combustion, Solid State Lighting, Superconductivity)


Energy Storage (Hydrogen Research, Electrical Energy Storage)


Crosscutting (Catalysis for Energy, Materials under Extreme Conditions, etc.).




[1] All EFRC applications must also address one or more of the grand challenges identified in the BESAC report Directing Matter and Energy:  Five Challenges for Science and the Imagination.  The categories provided here are approximate and do not reflect the structure of the merit review panels.

October 20, 2008.  Approximately 265 full applications were received in response to the FOA.  DOE is currently proceeding with the review of EFRC proposals as described in detail in the FOA: an initial review by Federal officials for eligibility, completeness, and responsiveness to the FOA followed by a full merit review, adhering to the review criteria codified in 10 CFR Part 605.  No EFRC awards can be made under the current FY 2009 Continuing Resolution (P.L.110-329) that funds DOE.  EFRC awards are dependent upon a final FY 2009 appropriation. If funds are appropriated for the EFRC program, award announcements will be made in April 2009.

October 2, 2008
September 23, 2008.  DOE will consider requests for brief extensions of the submission deadline for EFRC applications from applicants whose institutions have been affected by Hurricanes Ike or Gustav. Applicants must request an extension in writing via email to Vicki Phillips at prior to the submission deadline of October 1, 2008, at 11 pm Eastern Time.  Please indicate the exact length of the extension requested and include a clear justification of the request.

September 15, 2008.  Additional information regarding submission of DOE Field Work Proposal cover pages as part of an EFRC application that includes DOE/NNSA participants has been posted on the FOA web page.
September 3, 2008Amendment No. 003 is posted, which includes edits to the original FOA.  A detailed description of the revisions made to the FOA is provided in Amendment No. 003.

15, 2008.  The Department of Energy's Industry Interactive Procurement System (IIPS) includes a publicly accessible database of questions and answers that clarify aspects of this FOA.  As stated in the Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), all questions regarding the subject FOA were to be submitted through IIPS by 12:00 Noon on August 15, 2008. Unfortunately, DOE cannot respond to questions submitted after the deadline.
19, 2008 Amendment No. 002 is posted, which includes edits to the original FOA.  Revised text is provided in Amendment No. 002.

April 23, 2008 Amendment No. 001 is posted, which includes five edits to the original FOA.
April 4, 2008
.  An FOA
is issued that requests applications for the establishment of Energy Frontier Research Centers.  Applications will be accepted through October 1, 2008

Original EFRC white paper (February 4, 2008):    PDF format              DOC format

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