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Strategic Plan

OAR manages and coordinates the multifaceted and complex NIH AIDS research agenda. Each year, the OAR develops the Trans-NIH Plan for HIV-Related Research to ensure that the AIDS research budget is used to fund the highest priority AIDS-related research. The Plan shapes the NIH investment in biomedical and behavioral AIDS-related research and provides the framework to translate critical research findings into improved prevention and treatment strategies. It is developed through a collaborative process involving broad input from scientists from NIH, other government agencies, and non-governmental organizations, as well as community representatives and other experts from the United States and abroad. The Plan and the unique processes instituted by OAR to ensure its implementation allow the NIH to pursue a united research front against the global AIDS epidemic. The Plan provides a roadmap for the NIH AIDS research effort, which is carried out by nearly all of the NIH Institutes and Centers. It is utilized to (1) frame the development of the NIH AIDS Research Budget; (2) determine the use of NIH AIDS-designated dollars; (3) define those research areas for which AIDS-designated funds may be allocated; (4) track and monitor AIDS research expenditures; and (5) inform the public, the scientific community, Congress, and AIDS-affected communities about the NIH AIDS research agenda and priorities for new or expanded funding.

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