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Occupational Medicine
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Steering Committee Charter
Health and Safety

Occupational Medicine

The DOE Occupational and Environmental Medicine Program is rooted in the belief that an active alliance between site occupational and environmental medicine programs and DOE leadership can have a dramatic impact on individual worker health and on environmental factors that affect the health of the entire DOE workforce. To facilitate this relationship, a Steering Committee of DOE site occupational medical directors (SOMD) communicates regularly with DOE HQ leadership. The SOMDs also meet regularly as a subgroup of the Integrated Safety Management (ISM) Working Group-Occupational Safety and Health Subgroup of the Energy Facility Contractors Group (EFCOG).

The Office of Health and Safety develops and implements occupational and environmental medicine policies and standards that facilitate the provision of high-quality occupational and environmental medicine services.

Since the inception of the Manhattan Project, the DOE occupational and environmental medicine program has provided on-the-job health care and risk assessment to more than 600,000 workers, ensuring that the Nation's nuclear workers are protected from both the hazards of building and maintaining the nuclear weapons stockpile, as well as dangers of research and development activities in the vanguard of science, such as nanotechnology and genomics.

A major goal of the DOE occupational and environmental medicine program over the next few years, is full implementation of occupational and environmental regulations in 10 CFR 851 Worker Safety and Health Program, including the achievement of interoperable electronic medical records systems at all site occupational medicine programs within 10 years.

Chief Medical Officer: Michael Ardaiz, MD MPH CPH

Program Manager: Claudia Beach, RN BA COHN-S

Related Documents & Links

blue dot bullet 10 CFR 851 Worker Safety and Health Program
blue dot bullet Educational Materials
blue dot bullet EFCOG Occ. Med. Meetings
blue dot bullet Radiation Event Medical Management (REMM) Web sit
blue dot bullet Presentations from EFCOG ISM Working Group’s Occupational Medicine Task Group Meeting, 11-1-06
blue dot bullet DailyMed - Current information on medications from FDA
blue dot bullet Site Clinic Directory
blue dot bullet Steering Committee Charter
blue dot bullet Components of Preplacement Testing Performed at Department of Energy Sites
blue dot bullet Components of Periodic Testing Performed at Department of Energy Sites
blue dot bullet Valley Fever Safety Bulletin
blue dot bullet FEMA Basic Preparedness Guidelines
blue dot bullet FEMA Checklist of Emergency Supplies

This page was last updated on April 07, 2009
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