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USGS/Cascades Volcano Observatory, Vancouver, Washington

Mount St. Helens, Washington
Early Crater Images
May 19, 1980 - October 15, 1980

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Vent within crater of Mount St. Helens.
USGS Photograph taken May 30, 1980, by Dan Dzurisin.
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Mount St. Helens' first dome. Extrusion began on June 13, 1980, and continued for 7 days, resulting in a dome 365 meters by 365 meters by 45 meters high, with a erupted volume of 5 cubic meters.
USGS Photograph taken between June 28, 1980, by Peter Lipman.
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Mount St. Helens' first dome. Extrusion began on June 13, 1980, and continued for 7 days, resulting in a dome 365 meters by 365 meters by 45 meters high, with a erupted volume of 5 cubic meters.
USGS Photograph taken between June 28, 1980, by Peter Lipman.
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Mount St. Helens' first dome. Extrusion began on June 13, 1980, and continued for 7 days, resulting in a dome 365 meters by 365 meters by 45 meters high, with a erupted volume of 5 cubic meters.
USGS Photograph taken June 29, 1980, by Jules Friedman.
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Aeiral view, Mount St. Helens crater, with first dome.
USGS Photograph taken between July 13, 1980, by Mike Doukas.
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Aeiral view, Mount St. Helens crater, with first dome.
USGS Photograph taken between July 18, 1980, by Mike Doukas.
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Mount St. Helens dome from the south
USGS Photograph taken July 18, 1980, by Christina Heliker.
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First dome in Mount St. Helens crater. This dome would be blasted away the next day, during the July 22, 1980 eruption.
USGS Photograph taken between July 21, 1980, by Mike Doukas.
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Aerial view, Mount St. Helens crater vent area, after the July 22, 1980 eruption and before the August 7, 1980 eruption.
USGS Photograph taken between July 22, 1980 and August 7, 1980, by Phil Carpenter.
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Aerial view, Mount St. Helens crater vent area.
USGS Photograph taken on August 1, 1980, by Don Swanson.
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Mount St. Helens' crater with 2nd dome.
USGS Photograph taken on August 20, 1980, by Terry Leighley, Scandia Labs.
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Aerial view, Mount St. Helens crater in August 1980.
USGS Photograph taken on August 22, 1980, by Lyn Topinka.
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Second dome in Mount St. Helens crater. This dome began growing after the August 7, 1980 eruption. It was blasted away on October 16, 1980.
USGS Photograph taken between October 25, 1980, by Mike Doukas.
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Mount St. Helens and the Pumice Plain as seen from the north-northwest. Spirit Lake is just visible, lower left.
USGS Photograph taken on September 8, 1980, by Harry Glicken.
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Second dome in Mount St. Helens crater. This dome began growing after the August 7, 1980 eruption. It was blasted away on October 16, 1980.
USGS Photograph taken between September 8, 1980, by Mike Doukas.
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Second dome in Mount St. Helens crater. This dome began growing after the August 7, 1980 eruption. It was blasted away on October 16, 1980.
USGS Photograph taken between September 8, 1980, by Mike Doukas.
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Second dome in Mount St. Helens crater. This dome began growing after the August 7, 1980 eruption. It was blasted away on October 16, 1980. A helicopter (in yellow circle) shows scale.
USGS Photograph taken September 15, 1980, by Mike Doukas.
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USGS scientists peering at second dome in Mount St. Helens crater. This dome began growing after the August 7, 1980 eruption. It was blasted away on October 16, 1980.
USGS Photograph taken September 25, 1980, by Terry Leighley, Sandia Labs.
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Aerial view of Mount St. Helens volcano, with Harrys Ridge in the foreground.
USGS Photograph taken September 30, 1980, by Lyn Topinka.
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[Click for more Harrys Ridge images]

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Aerial view, Mount St. Helens' crater with 2nd dome.
USGS Photograph taken on October 4, 1980, by Lyn Topinka.
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Aerial view, Mount St. Helens' crater with 2nd dome.
USGS Photograph taken on October 4, 1980, by Lyn Topinka.
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Aerial view looking north, Mount St. Helens' crater with 2nd dome. Mount Rainier is in the distance.
USGS Photograph taken on October 4, 1980, by Lyn Topinka.
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07/30/07, Lyn Topinka