Federal Citizen Information Center's Main Page


Consumer Action Handbook -- Tips, Advice,
 Listings of who to call with a consumer problem
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Scams and Frauds -- A listing of the latest scams and
 frauds announced by Federal Agencies and Consumer Groups
Other web sites
that offer information on scams, frauds, and consumer abuse
Recalls -- A listing of the latest recalls
announced by Federal Agencies
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Scams and Frauds Here are some of the latest Scams, Frauds, and Consumer Abuse items in the news.

Cars - Computers - Education - Employment - Family - Federal Programs - Food
Health - Housing - Money - Small Business - Travel - And more...

Get Rich Quik? Don't Count on It!

The Postal Service's top law enforcement official and consumer advocate have released their list of Top Five Mail Fraud Scams. The top five mail fraud scams based on number of victims and amount of monetary loss are:

  • Free-Prize Schemes
  • Foreign Lotteries
  • Investment-Fraud Schemes
  • Work-At-Home Schemes

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