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Mine Safety and Health

The U.S. Labor Department's Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) helps to reduce deaths, injuries, and illnesses in the nation's mines with a variety of activities and programs. The agency develops and enforces safety and health rules applying to all U.S. mines, helps mine operators who have special compliance problems, and makes available technical, educational and other types of assistance. MSHA works cooperatively with industry, labor, and other Federal and state agencies toward improving safety and health conditions for all miners. MSHA's responsibilities are spelled out in the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977.


The 1977 act applies to all mining and mineral processing operations in the United States, regardless of size, number of employees, or method of extraction. Thus MSHA covers two-person sand and gravel pits as well as large underground coal mines and processing plants.

Organizational Structure

MSHA was created in 1978, when the 1977 Act transferred the Federal mine safety program from the Department of the Interior to the Department of Labor.

MSHA is headed by an assistant secretary of labor who administers a broad regulatory program to reduce injuries and illnesses in mining. Enforcement of safety and health rules and other responsibilities are carried out by two functional entities:

  • The Coal Mine Safety and Health activity conducts its mine inspection, investigation and training programs through 11 district offices and a system of subordinate offices in the nation's coal mining regions.

  • The Metal and Nonmetal Mine Safety and Health activity administers its programs for all non-coal mines through six district offices in mining areas throughout the United States.

Other entities that have important roles include the following:

  • The Office of Standards, Regulations and Variances coordinates the development and issuance of safety and health rules and revision of existing rules, continually involving the public in the process.

  • The Office of Assessments administers civil penalty assessments against mine operators for failing to comply with health or safety requirements.

  • The Technical Support directorate provides engineering and technical aid, approves equipment and materials for safe mining use, and assists in mine emergencies and accident investigations. Technical Support operates major facilities in Pennsylvania and West Virginia.

  • The Educational Policy and Development Office administers the agency's training programs. From the National Mine Health and Safety Academy, training is conducted on a variety of mine health and safety topics for safety and health specialists from government, industry and labor. Through the Educational Field Services Division, training-related assistance is provided to mine operators throughout the country.

  • The Office of Program Evaluation and Information Resources (PEIR) conducts internal reviews and evaluates the effectiveness of agency programs and conducts follow-up reviews to ensure that appropriate corrective actions have been taken. Another function of PEIR is to collect, analyze and publish data obtained from mine operators on the prevalence of work-related injuries and illnesses in the mining industry. PEIR is also responsible for support and training for all MSHA automated information systems, data communications networks and ADP equipment. National mine injury and illness data is compiled, analyzed and distributed to the mining community and public by specialists of the Office of Injury and Employment Information (OIEI) located in Denver, Colorado.
The Changing Mandate

The nation's first federal mine safety law was enacted in the late 1800's; over the 20th century, many increasingly stronger pieces of legislation followed. The 1977 law that MSHA administers today combined and extended previous mining laws.

Among other changes, the 1977 law extended to metal and nonmetal miners the same legal protections coal miners already had, while it further unified the federal safety and health program and generally strengthened miner protection in all types of mining.

The Mine Act requires MSHA to make at least four complete inspections of all underground operations yearly and at least two surface mine inspections a year. Other provisions call  for issuing detailed regulations on basic safety and health training for miners, upgrading and strengthening many existing mine safety and health laws, changes in the civil penalty system applying to rules violators, and greater participation of miners or their representatives in lawful safety activities.

In recent years, MSHA has strongly encouraged the American mining community to join in a number of cooperative programs aimed at solving safety and health problems. While MSHA's program rests upon its congressional mandate to enforce the Mine Act firmly and fairly, the agency also has strongly emphasized the education and training of miners and managers in mine safety and health requirements as well as the use of compliance assistance for reducing injuries and fatalities. MSHA has long held that enforcement alone cannot solve all safety and health problems.

For more information on MSHA, contact:

  • Program Education and Outreach Services, MSHA Headquarters, Arlington, VA,
    (202) 693-9400; or

  • Your local MSHA office. (Check your local phone book, under "U.S. Government.")

--The MSHA homepage on the World Wide Web through an Internet on-line service. The homepage address is:

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Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA)
1100 Wilson Boulevard, 21st Floor
Arlington, VA 22209-3939
Phone:    (202) 693-9400
Fax-on-demand: (202) 693-9401
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