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FORT Scientists Work with Colleagues in Spain on Climate Change and Forest Dieback Issues

Ponderosa pine dieback in the Jemez Mountains, NM.

USGS scientists Jill Baron and Craig D. Allen will participate in a workshop they helped co-organize on “The Value and Adaptation Management of Protected Areas under Global Climate Change"/"El valor de los Espacios Protegidos en un escenario de cambio global" in Granada, Spain. The May 13-15 workshop is sponsored by the Sierra Nevada National Park and Biosphere Reserve, University of Granada, Government of Spain Ministry of Environment, and regional government of Andalucia. Dr. Baron will present "Adaptation options for managing natural resources under a changing climate,”and Dr. Allen will discuss specific land management actions for adaptation to climate change. Following the workshop, Allen will also conduct fieldwork and data analysis with University of Granada colleagues as co-PI on a joint post-fire restoration research project in Sierra Nevada National Park, as well as conduct field work on climate-induced forest die-off. Finally, Allen will give an invited global-overview talk on climate-induced forest die-off at the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales in Madrid.

  Western Mountain Initiative — New Mexico

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 Fish stocking in protected areas: summary of a workshop

 The Delaware River decision support system: version 2.11 [computer software]

 Suspended and substrate sediment sizes of the lower Rio Puerco, New Mexico

 Potential habitat distribution for the freshwater diatom Didymosphenia geminata in the continental US

 Tree die-off in response to global-change-type drought: mortality insights from a decade of plant water potential measurements

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