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CAVE Clouds & Radiation Swath (CRS) files contain a modified version of the official CERES CRS data product that one may access from the NASA Langley Atmospheric Sciences Data Center These files contain footprint by footprint observations and radiation transfer calculations for every other CERES footprint and every other CERES scan. For our purposes the files here contain only those footprints whose radiometric center lies within a 25km radius of surface validation sites (list of surface validation sites) which are observing radiation coming down at the surface of the Earth.

The following table contains links to details explaning the files.

Link Description Example
Summary Summary of CERES Clouds & Radiative Swath (CRS) data product. ----------
Site List Complete list of locations where subset CRS is available from CAVE data base. ----------
File availability Search for available months for a site.
(Site list: Details all CAVE surface sites.)
3 Letter Identifier:
File Format 1 File Per site/Per Month
Explains format of binary file
File Naming Conventions How file names are defined. SURFRAD Example
Read Routines Fortran 90 & IDL code to read binary files. Fortran  /  IDL
Referencing Data Please reference data used appropriately. Reference page
Access data base Access data base via html tool here. Data


The CERES instruments on board TRMM, Terra, and Aqua satellites observe emitted and reflected radiation at the top of the Earth's atmosphere. Beyond these observations CERES produces "higer order" data products that synthasize other inputs, for instance MODIS radiances collocated within a given CERES footprint observation. The first higher order product, the Single Satellite Flux (SSF product) provides, along with CERES observed radiances and fluxes, cloud, aerosol and surface properties defined to be contained within the bounds of the CERES footprint, ~20km to ~30km at the Earth's surface, in length, near nadir viewing angles. Utilizing the CERES SSF product, the Surface & Atmospheric Radiation Budget (SARB) group, adds in yet more ancillary data (for instance gridded meteorological profile data supplying temperature, pressure, and humidity data) and then execute a fast radiation transfer code under a number of different scenarious. (See table below.) Radiation transfer results are output at 5 atmosperhic pressure levels, though the model is run at much higher vertical resolution. After the 4 scenarios are run the model TOA results are compared to the CERES observed TOA fluxes and radiances. Depending on scene conditions, various inputs are carefully adjusted and the model is run again. This provides constrained (or "tuned") model calculations and it is these tuned values, along with the amount by which they were adjusted, which are reported in the CRS files. These tuned fluxes and adjustments and a number of RT inputs are basically added to the SSF record for each footprint and released as the next higher order data product, the Clouds & Radiative Swath or CRS data product.

Model Run Description
Pristine Atmospheric profile only, no clouds, no aerosols.
Clear Sky Atmospheric profile & aerosols, no clouds.
All Sky Run includes atmospheric profile & aerosols & clouds.
Clouds, No Aerosol Run includes atmospheric profile & cloud information, excludes aerosol.

Links to Official CERES CRS documentation.
Data products catalog Lists of variables TRMM PFM (Edition 2A)
TERRA FM1 & FM2 (Edition 2B)
Data Quality Summary Important summary of issues/problems in data files. FM1 & FM2, Edition 2B
Algorithm & Theoretical Basis
Document (ATBD)
Original algorithm description (dated 1997) PDF
Collection Guide Variable definitions. Not yet available. See table below. PDF

CERES Clouds & Radiation Swath (CRS) - The CAVE Version

The CAVE CRS file is a binary (big-endian) file of fixed record length. It consists of a Header record that contains information regarding the surface site and a list of variables contained in each file. The remainder of a file contains one record for each available variable where each record is one month's worth of data for that variable. Figure 1 below shows this schematically.

SSF Listing
CRS Listing
Derived Variables
Figure 1. Graphic showing Surface Aerosol Meteorology (SAM)
file structure.

File Naming Conventions

File names are based on a set of unique 3-letter identifiers. The following table connects the 3 letter identifier to the data site and gives the prefix of the file names found in the data base. See Site List for a global map and listing of all surface sites.

CAVE File Naming Convention
Data from DOE Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program
File Prefix Surface Site
arm_C01_ ARM/SGP Central Facility
arm_E01_ Larned, KA
arm_E02_ Hillsboro, KA, Boundary Facility B01
arm_E03_ LeRoy, KA
arm_E04_ Plevna, KA
arm_E05_ Halstead, KA
arm_E06_ Towanda, KA
arm_E07_ Elk Falls, KA
arm_E08_ Coldwater, KA
arm_E09_ Ashton, KA
arm_E10_ Tyro, KA
arm_E11_ Byron, OK
arm_E12_ Pawhuska, OK
arm_E13_ Lamont, OK
arm_E15_ Ringwood, OK
arm_E16_ Vici, OK, Boundary Facility B04
arm_E18_ Morris, OK
arm_E20_ Meeker, OK
arm_E22_ Cordell, OK
arm_E24_ Cyril, OK
arm_MAN_ Tropical West Pacific, Manus Island
arm_NAU_ Tropical West Pacific, Nauru Island
Data from WCRP Baseline Surface Radiation Network (BSRN) Program
File PrefixSurface Site
bsrn_ASP_ Alice Springs, Australia
bsrn_DAA_ De Aar, South Africa
bsrn_FLO_ Florianopolis, Brazil
bsrn_GVN_ Georg von Neumayer, Antarctica
bsrn_LAU_ Lauder, New Zealand
bsrn_LIN_ Lindenberg, Germany
bsrn_NYA_ Ny Alesund, Norway
bsrn_PAY_ Payerne, Switzerland
bsrn_SBO_ Sede Boqer, Israel
bsrn_SSV_ Saudi Solar Village
bsrn_SYO_ Syowa, Antarctica
bsrn_TAM_ Tamanrasset, Algeria
bsrn_TAT_ Tateno, Japan
Data from NOAA Global Monitoring Division (GMD formerly CMDL) Program
File PrefixSurface Site
gmd_BAR_ Barrow, AK
gmd_BER_ Bermuda
gmd_BOU_ Boulder, CO (Boulder Tower)
gmd_KWA_ Kwajalein Island
gmd_MLO_ Mauna Loa, HI
gmd_SAM_ Samoa
gmd_SPL_ South Pole, Antarctica
Data from NOAA SURFace Radiation (SURFRAD) Program
File PrefixSurface Site
surfrad_BON_ Bondville, IL
surfrad_DRA_ Desert Rock, NV
surfrad_FPK_ Fort Peck, MT
surfrad_GWN_ Goodwin Creek, MS
surfrad_PSU_ Penn State, PA
surfrad_TBL_ Boulder, CO (Table Mountain)
surfrad_SXF_ Sioux Falls, SD
Data from Independent Stations
File Prefix Surface Site
indoex_KAS_ Kaashidhoo Island, Indian Ocean Experiment (INDOEX)
larc_COV_ Chesapeake Lighthouse, Virginia Beach, VA (COVE)
unva_VAS_ Valencia Anchor Station, Valencia, Spain
whoi_PCN_ Woods Hole PACS Buoy North(10N, -125W)
whoi_PCS_ Woods Hole PACS Buoy South(-3S, -125W)
whoi_NT1_ Woods Hole NTAS I Buoy
whoi_NT2_ Woods Hole NTAS II
whoi_ST1_ Woods Hole Stratus I Buoy
whoi_ST2_ Woods Hole Stratus II Buoy
whoi_ST3_ Woods Hole Stratus III Buoy