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Sea Turtles


One of NOAA Fisheries' Strategic Goals is to Recover Protected Species. The agency's national objectives included recover and maintain protected species populations and reduce conflicts that involve protected species.

Scientists in the Sea Turtle Program of the Southeast Fisheries Science Center implement research to support the conservation and recovery of threatened and endangered sea turtle species by conducting population assessments; research on stock structure (age and genetics); assessments of sea turtle mortality, strandings, and unusual events; and revision of Stock Assessment Reports for populations of sea turtles in the western North Atlantic Ocean. They also participate in research to reduce the bycatch of sea turtles and conduct in-water studies to evaluate population trends and habitat requirements. They participate in technology transfer of successful bycatch reduction measures. Scientists undertake this work in collaboration with other SEFSC and NOAA protected species staff, academic colleagues, and contractors. SEFSC scientists provide information and analytical results on species status and threats to the NMFS Southeast Regional Director and NMFS Headquarters for the effective management of marine turtles. The information is critical for evaluating the appropriate conservation measures, as required under the Endangered Species Act. Scientists also provide information to scientists in Mexico through MEXUS-GULF Turtle Working Group; and contribute to the proceedings of the Annual Sea Turtle Symposia. Scientists also take part in implementing the NMFS Atlantic Sea Turtle Strategy that is aimed at addressing the incidental capture of turtles in commercial and recreational fisheries along the Atlantic coast.

Wallpaper used with permission of Turtle Time, Inc., Ft. Myers Beach, FL


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