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New Mexico Math & Science Standards, Benchmarks & Performance Standards

Approved by the New Mexico State Board of Education in 2002 and 2003, the NM Mathematics and Science K-12 Content Standards, Benchmarks and Performance standards have been designed to establish clear and high standards in all subject/vocational strands and ensure that all assessments are aligned with national standards. All school curricula are aligned with standards and are revised on a regular basis.

The standards establish an articulated, coordinated, and comprehensive description of the content and skills students should learn at specific grade levels; help teachers create classroom instruction and authentic assessments that address substantive curriculum that can be applied to learning across all disciplines; serve as a basis for a statewide assessment of student learning; and stimulate thoughtful conversations and policy development regarding the acquisition and application of essential skills and concepts.

Within the context of the NM K-12 Curriculum Framework, Guiding Principles (equity/curriculum/teaching/learning/assessment/technology), and process standards (problem solving/reasoning and proof communication/connections/representation), math strands include numbers and operation, algebra, geometry, measurement, and data analysis and probability. Science strands include scientific thinking and practice, science content (physical/life/earth and space), and science and society (see Appendix "A").

NM Public Education Department Math and Science Bureau
The New Mexico Public Education Department (PED) Math and Science Bureau was created in July 2006, with funding from the Legislature and the support of Governor Richardson and Secretary Garcia (see Appendix "B" - SN 552). The concept of a unit within the PED that "will inject expertise in the system at every level from the building level to the state department level, and will build and support infrastructure" was originally proposed in a New Mexico First Town Hall Meeting on Math and Science Education held in November, 2005.

Mission: "We envision high levels of student achievement and interest in math and science, and a system that offers all New Mexicans opportunities to become well-informed, productive citizens. Realizing this vision will require collaboration among students, parents, educators, business and industry leaders, legislators, and government officials."

The Bureau is comprised of a Bureau Chief, science specialist, math specialist, and researcher. In 2007, the Math and Science Bureau awarded three grants totaling $1,548,000 to three post-secondary institutions collaborating with middle and high schools:

  • New Mexico State University (Mathematically Connected Communities) - $950,000 to work with middle and high schools throughout the state to improve math teaching and learning. Program will include summer academies, follow-up support activities, online courses, and a Masters of Art in Teaching Mathematics.
  • Western New Mexico University (Mathematically Connected Communities) - $277,000 to work with middle and high schools in the western part of the state by adapting the NMSU model and collaborating with them.
  • University of New Mexico at La Mesa - $321,000 to provide two-week residential summer immersion courses (with Saturday follow-ups) for middle school math teachers from Albuquerque and Gallup area.

NM Math and Science Advisory Committee (MSAC)
The Town Hall Meeting on Math and Science Education recommend the formation of an Advisory Committee to support a "New Mexico mathematics and science initiative that establishes consistency between how teachers are educated, what they teach, the standards that govern what is taught, student learning, and assessment."

The New Mexico MSAC membership is currently comprised of four representatives from K-12 education, three representatives from higher education, four representatives from the private sector, and one representative from the New Mexico Partnership for Mathematics and Science Education (see Appendix "C").

2007-2010 Strategic Action Plan
The first activity of the MSAC was the creation of a strategic action plan (See Appendix "D"). The Strategic Action Plan for Advancing Mathematics and Science recommends a process of dramatic, community-wide action to bring more rigor and relevance into how New Mexico teaches mathematics and science, and to improve student achievement in these areas. The Plan is an initial outline of strategies, actions, measures of progress, resources needed, timelines and responsible parties, and focuses on three main goals:

  • Goal 1: Increase student interest, participation, and achievement in math and science;
  • Goal 2: Raise public support and awareness of the importance of science and math to New Mexico's economic health and security; and
  • Goal 3: Establish effective collaborations with internal and external partners.

NM Project 2012
NM Project 2012 (see Appendix "E") is a broad-based plan to engage every component, partner, and entity responsible for the strategic goals of the 2007-2010 Strategic Action Plan. NM Project 2012 proposes "that in five years New Mexico K-12 students will be among the nation’s leaders in math and science achievement." The six components of the Project are:

  • To improve math and science content study in the pre-service education of K-12 teachers to prepare them to teach a modern math or science curriculum.
  • To expand professional development opportunities for in-service K-12 math and science teachers so that they can stay abreast of rapidly-changing ideas about math and science teaching and new math and science content.
  • To draw on the extensive math and science expertise of New Mexico's very large community of engineers, mathematicians and scientists in providing specialized classroom content knowledge; student tutoring, mentoring, and career advice, and to help in professional development activities for teachers.

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