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CEQ: Committee on Ocean Policy


About the Committee on Ocean Policy




Pacific Marine Conservation Assessment

Ocean and Coastal Activities

Ocean and Coastal Fact Sheets

Ocean and Coastal Related Announcements and Agency Statements

Public Comment on the Ocean Action Plan

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Welcome to the Council on Environmental Quality’s Committee on Ocean Policy Web site.

Recent Events

Memorandum from the President: Pacific Marine Conservation Assessment (August 25, 2008)

Click here for more information.

2006-2007 Federal Ocean and Coastal Activities Report to the U.S. Congress (issued in January 2008) (pdf, 1 MB)

federal ocean and coastal activities report to the u.s. congress cy 2006 and 2007

The report provides an overview of the activities and accomplishments of the federal agencies implementing the U.S. Ocean Action Plan for calendar years 2006 and 2007. The report is submitted to U.S. Congress as per PL 106-256. The report highlights the activities by the following thematic areas:

  • Enhancing the Use, Conservation and Management of Ocean, Coastal, and Great Lakes Resources; including Managing our Coasts and Watersheds
  • Advancing Our Understanding of Oceans, Coasts, and Great Lakes;
  • Supporting Maritime Transportation; and
  • Advancing International Ocean Science and Policy.

There are many programs that produce tangible results in each of these areas. This report includes a sampling of such programs in order to illustrate the diverse set of approaches being used to address ocean and coastal issues

In 2004 President Bush signed Executive Order 13366 establishing the Committee on Ocean Policy and released the U.S. Ocean Action Plan to make our oceans, coasts, and Great Lakes cleaner, healthier, and more productive. The U.S. Ocean Action Plan, together with E.O. 13366, established a coordinated ocean governance structure to enhance leadership and coordination among the federal agencies with ocean-related responsibilities and activities.

Click here to view the full report.

President Bush Proclaims June 2007 as National Ocean Month

On May 31, 2007 President Bush proclaimed June 2007 as National Oceans Month in celebration of the many benefits the oceans, coasts and Great Lakes offer to the Nation and to underscore our commitment to being good stewards of the oceans. To learn more about the vital role oceans play in the life of our country and ways we can conserve resources, the President encourages all Americans to observe this month at events. Click here for a list of some of the events and celebrations that are planned for the month of June.

President Bush Continues Strong Commitment to Our Oceans and Proposes Substantial New Funding for Ocean Priorities

On January 26, 2007, the Administration announced that $140 million in new funding for Fiscal Year 2008 for Ocean Action Plan initiatives and ocean research will be included in the Presidents Fiscal Year 2008 Budget Request. A press release (pdf, 422 Kb) and a fact sheet (pdf, 169 Kb) on the new funding request are available. At the same time, the Administration released the Ocean Action Plan Update (pdf, 422 Kb) and Charting the Course for Ocean Science in the United States: An Ocean Research Priorities Plan and Implementation Strategy.

Charting the Course for Ocean Science in the United States

On January 26, 2007, the ICOSRMI released the National Ocean Research Priorities Plan and Implementation Strategy, outlining 20 critical ocean research priorities for the United States for the next decade.  Developed in response to the Ocean Action Plan, these priorities focus on the most compelling issues in key areas of interaction between society and the ocean.

Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Marine National Monument

On June 15, 2006, President George Bush signed a Proclamation establishing the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Marine National Monument. The President's full set of remarks and more information about the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Marine National Monument can be viewed here.

Conference on Ocean Literacy (CoOL)-June 7-8, 2006

The Conference on Ocean Literacy brought together leaders in formal and informal education to discuss the current challenges and opportunities facing ocean literacy in our nation. The Conference highlighted Best Practices and explored opportunities to increase public knowledge and understanding of the ocean and its connection to people. Participants included Members of Congress and the Administration, aquariums, media, federal agencies, academia, non-profits and other stakeholders with an interest in ocean literacy. For more information visit the CoOL website.

National Oceans Week

President George Bush declared June 4 through June 10, 2006 to be National Oceans Week, calling on the people of the United States to learn more about the vital role the oceans play in the life of our country and how they can conserve their many natural treasures. The Proclamation can be viewed here.

About the Committee on Ocean Policy

On December 17, 2004, President Bush established by Executive Order a Cabinet-level “Committee on Ocean Policy” to coordinate the activities of executive branch departments and agencies regarding ocean-related matters in an integrated and effective manner to advance the environmental and economic interests of present and future generations of Americans. The Chairman of the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ), James L. Connaughton, also serves as Chairman of this Committee.

The following Web site is dedicated to the activities of the Committee. It provides an accounting of the programs and policies that are supported by the Administration to help manage, protect, and conserve our ocean and coastal resources.

This section of the site provides information on the activities of the Committee on Ocean Policy and the reports they produce.

Ocean Action Plan organization structure

U.S. Ocean Action Plan

On September 20, 2004, the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy completed a thorough and expansive report, “An Ocean Blueprint for the 21st Century.” On December 17, 2004, the President submitted to Congress his formal response, U.S. Ocean Action Plan (pdf, 236 Kb).

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Administrations Ocean and Coastal Activities page

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Site Index

of special note
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Federal Ocean and Coastal Activities Report to the U.S. Congress- For CY2006 and 2007 (pdf, 1.0 Mb)

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Update on Progress on the Ocean Action Plan (pdf, 422 Kb)

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Charting the Course for Ocean Science in the United States for the Next Decade: An Ocean Research Priorities Plan and Implementation Strategy

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2006 Report on the President's Wetlands Initiative (pdf, 2.07 Mb)

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Bush Administration Releases Marine Fisheries Proposal

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Learn more about the Committee on Ocean Policy and the Ocean Governance Structure

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Federal Ocean and Coastal Activities Report (pdf, 1.4 Mb)

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Administration Bill Updates Protections For Marine Mammals (pdf, 184 Kb)

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Bush Administration Releases National Offshore Aquaculture Bill (pdf, 75 Kb)

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Bush Administration Releases National Offshore Aquaculture Bill (pdf, 75 Kb)

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2007-8 Ocean Education Action Plan Released (pdf, 54 Kb)

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SIMOR Releases Report on Cooperative Conservation (pdf, 2.03 Mb)

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SIMOR Releases Interagency Report on Marine Debris to Congress (pdf, 448 Kb)

CEQ: Committee on Ocean Policy

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