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Nutrition and Health Issues

National Heart Lung and Blood Insitute logoNational Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
DHHS. NIH. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.
Provides leadership for a national program in diseases of the heart, blood vessels, lung, and blood, including conducting educational activities with an emphasis on prevention.
Heart and Vascular Diseases ~ Information for Patients and the General Public
DHHS. NIH. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.
Gateway to information and resources for consumers. Includes web sites, interactive web applications, and fact sheets for various heart disease topics.
National Cholesterol Education Program logoNational Cholesterol Education Program
DHHS. NIH. National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute.
Includes Clinical Guidelines on Cholesterol Management in Adults (ATP III), 10-Year Risk Calculator, health professional resources, and public/consumer materials.
MedlinePlus: Heart Diseases
DHHS. NIH. National Library of Medicine.
Find a wealth of information and links to resources on many aspects of heart disease. Also in Spanish.
An Ounce of Prevention: A Guide to Heart Health  (PDF|1.5 MB)
DHHS. NIH. National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute.
A photonovela of a family making healthful lifestyle changes. Features how to prevent heart disease with an emphasis on cholesterol, high blood pressure, exercise, weight control, and smoking, and includes a workbooks to chart progress. Also in Spanish - Más Vale Prevenir: Que Lamentar|1.8 MB.
Keep the Beat Calendar 20092009 Keep the Beat Calendar
DHHS. NIH. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.
Achieve heart health goals easier than ever in 2009 with the vivid Keep the Beat wall calendar. Discover fun healthy living tips and track heart disease risks with ease. The updated edition features creative ideas and simple tools each month. Check the daily “active today” boxes to follow physical activity goals and find easy-to-use charts to keep tabs on blood pressure, cholesterol, weight, and body mass index (BMI).
Estimating Your 10-Year Risk of Having a Heart Attack
DHHS. NIH. National Cholesterol Education Program.
Calculates the potential risk of a heart attack based upon lifestyle factors as well as blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
Red Dress - Heart Truth CampaignThe Heart Truth ~ A National Awareness Campaign for Women About Heart Disease
DHHS. NIH. National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute.
A national campaign to make women more aware of the danger of heart disease. Find information and resources.
Heart Healthy Eating from
DHHS. OWH. National Women's Health Information Center.
Having a heart healthy diet is sometimes easier said than done. This fact sheet provides answers to frequently asked questions on the basics of good nutrition and healthy eating. Also in PDF|220 KB.
Your Guide to Lowering Cholesterol with Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes (TLC)
DHHS. NIH. National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute.
Includes the TLC Diet: A Heart Healthy Eating Plan.
High Blood Cholesterol ~ What You Need to Know
DHHS. NIH. NHLBI. National Cholesterol Education Program.
What do the numbers mean? Learn about cholesterol, its components, health effects, and ways to improve your cholesterol to reduce your risk of a heart attack. Also in PDF|200 KB.
Live Healthier Live Longer
DHHS. NIH. NHLBI. National Cholesterol Education Program.
Interactive website for consumers interested in preventing or managing heart disease.
How Can You Lower Your Cholesterol
DHHS. NIH. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.
Features heart healthy and therapeutic lifestyle changes for treatment and preventing heart disease. Provides meal plans, grocery shopping, reading food labels, and dining out.
red heartFor Your Heart!
DHHS. OWH. National Women's Health Information Center.
Interactive survey provides women with information on nutrition, exercise, cholesterol, blood pressure and other factors related to heart health.
Therapeutic Lifestyle Change Diet
DHHS. NIH. National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute.
For those who have heart disease or are at high risk for developing it, this tool lets you calculate recommended levels of calories, fat and saturated fat to help lower blood cholesterol levels.
Be Heart Smart! Eat Foods Lower in Saturated Fat and Cholesterol
DHHS. NIH. National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute.
Tips for reducing your intake of saturated fat and cholesterol. Provides suggestions for healthier cooking and shopping tips. Describes how to use the Total Fat and Cholesterol information on nutrition labels.
NIH Senior Health ~ High Blood Cholesterol
DHHS. NIH. National Institute on Aging.
On-line interactive infomation on high blood cholesterol for seniors. Also in printer-friendly format.
Stay Young at Heart: Cooking the Heart Healthy Way
DHHS. NIH. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.
Recipes for heart-healthy appetizers, soups, entrees, side dishes and desserts.
Eating for a Healthy Heart  (PDF|655 KB)
DHHS. Food and Drug Administration.
8-page consumer brochure. Also in Spanish.
Keep the Beat, Heart Healthy RecipesKeep the Beat, Heart Healthy Recipes
DHHS. NIH. National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute.
Here's proof that what's good for your heart can be great for your taste buds! Learn to prepare your favorite family recipes using healthier ingredients. Also in PDF|1.9 MB.
When Delicious Meets Nutritious: Recipes for Heart Health  (PDF|120 KB)
DHHS. NIH. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.
Recipes for heart-healthy entrees and desserts which includes nutritional information.
Low-Calorie, Lower-Fat Alternative Foods
DHHS. NIH. NHLBI. Obesity Education Initiative.
A list of low-calorie/lower-fat alternatives to provide new ideas for old favorites.
Create-A-Diet: How You Can Lower Your Cholesterol Levels
DHHS. NIH. National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute.
Use this tool to plan meals to help control your blood cholesterol levels.
Read Food Labels
DHHS. NIH. NHLBI. National Cholesterol Education Program.
Provides guidance for reading the nutrition information on the food label as well as the ingredient lists.
Hearts and Parks logoHearts n' Parks
DHHS. NIH. National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute ; National Recreation and Parks Association.
Community-based program helps local agencies promote heart-healthy lifestyles.
The DASH Eating Plan
DHHS. NIH. National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute.
Get with the plan that is clinically proven to significantly reduce blood pressure! Also in PDF|1 MB.
DASH Recipes
DHHS. NIH. National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute.
Recipes from the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) eating plan, a plan which can lead to better control of high blood pressure.
Vietnamese Aspire for Healthy Hearts: Serve Up a Healthy Life--Give the Gift of Good Nutrition
DHHS. NIH. National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute.
Written for Vietnamese families, it provides tips and essential information about lowering their risk for heart disease. Also in PDF|491 KB.
Native American foodsAmerican Indian and Alaska Native People: Treat Your Heart To A Healthy Celebration!
DHHS. NIH. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.
Heart disease prevention guidance and tips for making heart healthy food choices.
Delicious Heart-Healthy Latino Recipes
DHHS. NIH. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.
Provides access to a bilingual (Spanish and English) cookbook containing 23 traditional Latino recipes reduced in fat, cholesterol, and sodium that still taste delicious.
Heart Healthy Home Cooking African American Style - With Every Heartbeat is Life
DHHS. NIH. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.
Links to recipe book ordering information which includes many African American favorite recipes, prepared in a heart-healthy way to be lower in fat, especially saturated fat, cholesterol, and sodium. Also available in PDF | 3.35 MB.
On the Move to Better Heart Health for African Americans
DHHS. NIH. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.
Provides ordering information for booklet that covers control of high blood pressure, cholesterol and weight, as well as physical activity and smoking cessation.
Routine Vitamin Supplementation to Prevent Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease
DHHS. AHRQ. US Preventive Services Task Force.
Fact sheet presents evidence for recommendations for or against the use of supplements in cancer and cardiovascular disease. Also in PDF|76 KB.

Last Modified: Apr 23, 2009  
Nutrition and Health Issues
    Heart Health
    High Blood Pressure
    Overweight and Obesity
    Digestive Disorders
    Eating Disorders
    Food Allergies and Intolerances
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