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Tox Town - Environmental health concerns and toxic chemicals where you live, work, and play
A - Z Disasters & Health en español

Tox Town info on toxic chemicals and disaster health concerns

Health problems can follow hurricanes, floods, and other natural disasters, as well as man-made disasters. See below for the A-Z Disasters & Health list of environmental health concerns that are included in Tox Town.

Tox Town provides basic, background information on toxic chemicals and environmental health risks and is suggested for students, educators, and the concerned public who want to learn more about these topics.

Links to in-depth disaster information are on the National Library of Medicine page, Enviro-Health Links. Topics of interest include: Hurricanes: Links to Health Information Including Toxicology and Environmental Health, Biological Warfare, Chemical Warfare Agents, Health Effects from the Collapse of the World Trade Center, California Wildfires, and Disaster Recovery and Environmental Health.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides key health information for individuals, first responders, disaster workers, and health professionals on behalf of all federal agencies. CDC is the primary resource for up-to-the-minute disease, injury, prevention, and treatment information for disasters. Both homeowners and work crews can also benefit from CDC's vital safety information related to clean-up and rebuilding efforts following disasters. The CDC home page on Natural Disasters & Severe Weather links to info on earthquakes, tornadoes, wildfires and other natural disasters. The Emergency Preparedness and Response home page includes man-made disasters: Bioterrorism, Chemical Emergencies, Radiation Emergencies, and Mass Casualties.

Disasters - consumer health information from MedlinePlus Possible Chemicals in Flood Waters

Following a hurricane or flooding, there is always concern about what might be in the flood waters and the potential impact on people's health. It is possible for flood waters to be contaminated by many toxic chemicals. Tox Town has background information on some of the chemicals that are often found in these waters.

See the Chemicals list in the neighborhoods: Town, City, Border, Farm, Port or click on the chemical name:

Possible Substances in Wildfire Smoke

Wildfire smoke is an air pollutant that contains a number of substances, some of which are hazardous to one's health. Tox Town has background information on some of the substances found in wildfire smoke.

Environmental health concerns related to natural disasters
For resources on this topic...Go to a NeighborhoodOR Click on a link
ABack to Top
Air PollutionTownOutdoor Air
Animal BitesTownPets
Animals and Human HealthTownPets, Pests
FarmFarm Animals
Asthma TriggersTownHomes, School, Pets, Outdoor Air
BBack to Top
CBack to Top
Chemical EmergenciesA - Z Disasters
Chemical WeaponsA - Z Disasters
CryptosporidiosisTownDrinking Water
CyclonesPortStorms and Floods, A - Z Disasters
DBack to Top
Disasters, Man-MadeA - Z Disasters
Disasters, NaturalA - Z Disasters
DumpsUS-Mexico BorderIllegal Dumps and Tire Piles
EBack to Top
E Coli InfectionsUS-Mexico BorderStormwater and Sewage
EarthquakesA - Z Disasters
FBack to Top
Fire SafetyTownHomes, School
FarmBarn and Silo
FiresTownOutdoor Air, A - Z Disasters
FloodsPortStorms and Floods, A - Z Disasters
Food Contamination and PoisoningCityFood Services
Food SafetyCityFood Services
GBack to Top
Giardia InfectionsUS-Mexico BorderStormwater and Sewage
HBack to Top
Hazardous WasteUS-Mexico BorderIllegal Dumps and Tire Piles
Heat IllnessTownPark
Hepatitis AUS-Mexico BorderStormwater and Sewage
Home RemodelingTownHomes
Household ProductsTownHomes
HurricanesPortStorms and Floods, A - Z Disasters
IBack to Top
IcePortStorms and Floods, A - Z Disasters
Indoor Air PollutionTownHomes, Offices and Stores, School
Insect Bites and StingsTownPests
JBack to Top
KBack to Top
LBack to Top
MBack to Top
MoldsTownHomes, Offices and Stores, School
NBack to Top
Nuclear Accident, Nuclear DisasterPortNuclear Power Plant, A - Z Disasters
Nuclear WastePortNuclear Power Plant, A - Z Disasters
OBack to Top
Occupational HealthCityAirplanes and Air Travel, Construction, Dental Office and Lab, Factory, Hair and Nail Salons, Hospital, Offices and Stores, Pharmacy
US-Mexico BorderCrop Fields, Auto Shop
FarmFarm Animals, Meat Processing, Barn and Silo, Feeding Operation, Tree Farm and Logging
PortCruise Ship, Fish Farm, Marina and Boats, Nuclear Power Plant, Shipping, Shipyard, Wastewater Treatment Facility
Occupational Health for Healthcare WorkersCityHospital, Pharmacy, Dental Office and Lab
PBack to Top
Parasitic DiseasesTownDrinking Water, Pests, River
FarmFarm Animals
Pest ControlTownPests
PoisoningTownHomes, Offices and Stores, School
Power PlantsPortNuclear Power Plant, A - Z Disasters
QBack to Top
RBack to Top
RabiesTownPets, Pests
Radiation EmergenciesPortNuclear Power Plant, A - Z Disasters
Radiation ExposureTownFactory
PortNuclear Power Plant, A - Z Disasters
Radioactive WastePortNuclear Power Plant, A - Z Disasters
SBack to Top
Salmonella InfectionsTownPets
Sanitary Sewer OverflowsUS-Mexico BorderStormwater and Sewage
School HealthTownSchool
SewageUS-Mexico BorderStormwater and Sewage
Sewage Treatment, Sewer PlantPortWastewater Treatment Facility
SmokeTown, City, US-Mexico Border, Farm, PortOutdoor Air, Particulate Matter
US-Mexico BorderTrash Burning
SnowPortStorms and Floods, A - Z Disasters
StormsPortStorms and Floods, A - Z Disasters
Sun ExposureTownPark
TBack to Top
Tick BitesTownPets, Pests
Tidal WavePortStorms and Floods, A - Z Disasters
TornadoesPortStorms and Floods, A - Z Disasters
TsunamisPortStorms and Floods, A - Z Disasters
UBack to Top
VBack to Top
VolcanoesA - Z Disasters
WBack to Top
WastewaterPortStormwater and Sewage, Cesspool, Septic System, Wastewater Treatment Facility
Water QualityTownDrinking Water, River
US-Mexico BorderStormwater and Sewage
FarmAgricultural Runoff, Farm Pond, Urban Sprawl
PortUrban and Industrial Runoff
West Nile VirusTownPests
WildfiresTownOutdoor Air, A - Z Disasters
Winter Weather EmergenciesPortStorms and Floods, A - Z Disasters
Workplace SafetyCityAirplanes and Air Travel, Construction, Dental Office and Lab, Factory, Hair and Nail Salons, Hospital, Offices and Stores, Pharmacy
US-Mexico BorderAuto Shop, Crop Fields
FarmFarm Animals, Meat Processing, Tree Farm and Logging, Barn and Silo, Feeding Operation
PortCruise Ship, Fish Farm, Marina and Boats, Nuclear Power Plant, Shipping, Shipyard, Wastewater Treatment Facility
XBack to Top
YBack to Top
ZBack to Top

Last updated: July 16, 2008

Interactive Graphic Neighborhoods City Farm Town US - Mexico Border Port