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April 14, 2009


Open for Suggestions: Help us name this year's National HIV Testing Day Project!

By Miguel Gomez

One out of five - that's the latest CDC estimate of how many people living with HIV in the U.S. are unaware of their HIV status.

People who know their HIV status are more likely to take action to improve their health and well-being. So HIV testing Exit Disclaimer is essential––yet, for many people, the stigma around HIV remains a barrier to taking the test.

June 27th is National HIV Testing Day—a day when we challenge the stigma and encourage people to learn their HIV status. This year, like every year, National HIV Testing Day is about YOU. Your stories. Your experiences. Your health and well-being. We're developing a campaign to hear real stories from people just like you who have taken an HIV test.

BUT FIRST WE NEED A NAME. Because new media is about engaging our communities in the process, I'm inviting YOU to help us name the campaign.

We are looking for a catchy, short title—ideally no more than 8 words—that would inspire people to share their stories. We hope these stories will encourage people to act and take an HIV test.

The power is in your hands— how do you suggest we name this HIV Testing Campaign? Enter your suggestions and vote in the widget below:

If you're unable to access this widget, please send us an e-mail at contact@AIDS.gov and we'll make sure that your suggestion is submitted.

The deadline to submit your suggestion and vote on a name for our campaign is April 30th, 2009 at midnight EDT. If this process seems familiar, it's because we're modeling it on President Obama's recent “Open for Questions” activity. We can't promise we will use the entry with the most votes, but we take your input seriously and will be guided by it in our final decision.

We look forward to your feedback!

Please note, submissions are subject to the same standards and guidelines outlined in our comment policy.

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HOw about "Share & Health"

Knowing Means Surviving And Preventing
or just Knowing Means Surviving

I think the reason most people don't get tested is that they still think it is a death sentence. I believe people must know that people are living and surviving this disease. If you make them realize that they will surely die if they don't get medical help, than I think people will want to be tested. I would also focus on the fact that they will have to live with the horror of giving this disease to another person because they didn't know they had it.

Take Control! Be at Peace! Know your Status!

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