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X -53.1x` `  Basis and purpose.  X -53.3x` `  Terms and definitions. Subpart B Bell Operating Company Entry into InterLATA Services.  X -53.101` `  Joint marketing of local and long distance services by interLATA  X-carriers. (#  Xb- Subpart C Separate Affiliate; Safeguards.  X4-53.201` `  Services for which a section 272 affiliate is required.  X-53.203` `  Structural and transactional requirements.  X-53.205` `  Fulfillment of certain requests. [Reserved]  X-53.207` `  Successor or assign.  X- Subpart D Manufacturing by Bell Operating Companies.  X- 53.301` `  [Reserved]  Xe- Subpart E Electronic Publishing by Bell Operating Companies.  X7-53.401 ` `  [Reserved]  X - Subpart F Alarm Monitoring Services.  X-53.501 ` `  [Reserved] x AUTHORITY: Sections 15, 7, 20105, 218, 251, 253, 27175, 48 Stat. 1070, as amended, 1077; 47 U.S.C. 15155, 157, 20105, 218, 251, 253, 27175, unless otherwise noted.  X#- "# ,D'D'CCG"" Subpart A General Information.  X- 53.1x` ` Basis and purpose.  X-x(a) Basis. These rules are issued pursuant to the Communications Act of 1934, as amended.  Xa-x(b) Purpose. The purpose of these rules is to implement sections 271 and 272 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. 271 and 272.  X -  53.3x` ` Terms and definitions. Terms used in this part have the following meanings:  X -xAct. The "Act" means the Communications Act of 1934, as amended.  X-xAffiliate. An "affiliate" is a person that (directly or indirectly) owns or controls, is owned or controlled by, or is under common ownership or control with, another person. For purposes of this part, the term 'own' means to own an equity interest (or the equivalent  XS-thereof) of more than 10 percent.  X%-xAT&T Consent Decree. The "AT&T Consent Decree" is the order entered August 24, 1982, in the antitrust action styled United States v. Western Electric, Civil Action No. 82-0192, in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, and any judgment or order with respect to such action entered on or after August 24, 1982.  X-xBell Operating Company (BOC). The term "Bell operating company" x(1) means any of the following companies: Bell Telephone Company of Nevada, Illinois Bell Telephone Company, Indiana Bell Telephone Company, Incorporated, Michigan Bell Telephone Company, New England Telephone and Telegraph Company, New Jersey Bell Telephone Company, New York Telephone Company, U S West Communications Company, South Central Bell Telephone Company, Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company, Southwestern Bell Telephone Company, The Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania, The Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company, The Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company of Maryland, The Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company of Virginia, The Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company of West Virginia, The Diamond State Telephone Company, The Ohio Bell Telephone Company, The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company, or Wisconsin Telephone Company; and x(2) includes any successor or assign of any such company that provides wireline telephone exchange service; but x(3) does not include an affiliate of any such company, other than an affiliate described in paragraph (1) or (2) of this section. "F& ,D'D'CC$"Ԍ X-xInRegion InterLATA service. "Inregion interLATA service" is interLATA service that originates in any of a BOC's inregion states, which are the states in which the BOC or any of its affiliates was authorized to provide wireline telephone exchange service pursuant to the reorganization plan approved under the AT&T Consent Decree, as in effect on February 7, 1996. For the purposes of this part, 800 service, private line service, or equivalent services that terminate in a BOC's inregion state and allow the called party to determine the interLATA carrier are considered to be inregion interLATA service.  XJ-xInterLATA Service. An "interLATA service" is a service that involves telecommunications between a point located in a LATA and a point located outside such area. The term "interLATA service" includes both interLATA telecommunications services and interLATA information services.  X -xInterLATA Information Service. An "interLATA information service" is an information service that incorporates as a necessary, bundled element an interLATA telecommunications transmission component, provided to the customer for a single charge.  X-xLocal Access and Transport Area (LATA). A "LATA" is a contiguous geographic area: x(1) established before February 8, 1996 by a BOC such that no exchange area includes points within more than one metropolitan statistical area, consolidated metropolitan statistical area, or state, except as expressly permitted under the AT&T Consent Decree; or x(2) established or modified by a BOC after February 8, 1996 and approved by the Commission.  X-xLocal Exchange Carrier (LEC). A "LEC" is any person that is engaged in the provision of telephone exchange service or exchange access. Such term does not include a person insofar as such person is engaged in the provision of commercial mobile service under section 332(c) of the Act, except to the extent that the Commission finds that such service should be included in the definition of such term.  XA-xOutofRegion InterLATA service. "Outofregion interLATA service" is interLATA service that originates outside a BOC's inregion states.  X-xSection 272 affiliate. A "section 272 affiliate" is a BOC affiliate that complies with the separate affiliate requirements of section 272(b) of the Act and the regulations contained in this part. "  ,D'D'CC"Ԍ X- _ř Subpart B Bell Operating Company Entry Into InterLATA Services. X-TP   X-53.101 ` ` Joint marketing of local and long distance services by interLATA carriers.  X- x(a) Until a BOC is authorized pursuant to section 271(d) of the Act to provide _interLATA services in an inregion State, or until February 8, 1999, whichever is earlier, a telecommunications carrier that serves greater than 5 percent of the Nation's presubscribed access lines may not jointly market in such State telephone exchange service obtained from such company pursuant to section 251(c)(4) of the Act with interLATA services offered by that telecommunications carrier. x(b) For purposes of applying section 271(e) of the Act, telecommunications carriers described in paragraph (a) of this section may not: x` ` (1) Market interLATA services and BOC resold local exchange services through a "single transaction." For purposes of this section, we define a "single transaction" to include the use of the same sales agent to market both products to the same customer during a single communication; x` ` (2) Offer interLATA services and BOC resold local exchange services as a bundled package under an integrated pricing schedule. x(c) If a telecommunications carrier described in paragraph (a) of this section advertises the availability of interLATA services and local exchange services purchased from a BOC for resale in a single advertisement, such telecommunications carrier shall not mislead the public by stating or implying that such carrier may offer bundled packages of interLATA service and BOC local exchange service purchased for resale, or that it can provide both services through a single transaction.  X|-  XN-Subpart C Separate Affiliate; Safeguards.  X7-  X - 53.201` ` Services for which a section 272 affiliate is required. For the purposes of applying section 272(a)(2) of the Act:  X -x(a) Previously authorized activities. When providing previously authorized activities described in section 271(f) of the Act, a BOC shall comply with the following: x` ` (1) A BOC shall provide previously authorized interLATA information services and manufacturing activities through a section 272 affiliate no later than February 8, 1997. "<& ,D'D'CC$"Ԍx` ` (2) A BOC shall provide previously authorized interLATA telecommunications services in accordance with the terms and conditions of the orders entered by the United States District Court for the District of Columbia pursuant to section VII or VIII(C) of the AT&T Consent Decree that authorized such services.  X-x(b) InterLATA information services. A BOC shall provide an interLATA information service through a section 272 affiliate when it provides the interLATA telecommunications transmission component of the service either over its own facilities, or by reselling the interLATA telecommunications services of an interexchange provider.  X -x(c) Outofregion interLATA information services. A BOC shall provide outofregion  X -interLATA information services through a section 272 affiliate. x  X - 53.203` ` Structural and transactional requirements.  X -x(a) Operational independence. x` ` (1) A section 272 affiliate and the BOC of which it is an affiliate shall notx jointly own transmission and switching facilities or the land and buildings where those facilities are located. x` ` (2) A section 272 affiliate shall not perform any operating, installation, or maintenance functions associated with facilities owned by the BOC of which it is an affiliate. x` ` (3) A BOC or BOC affiliate, other than the section 272 affiliate itself, shall not perform any operating, installation, or maintenance functions associated with facilities that the BOC's section 272 affiliate owns or leases from a provider other than the BOC.  X-x(b) Separate books, records, and accounts. A section 272 affiliate shall maintain books, records, and accounts, which shall be separate from the books, records, and accounts maintained by the BOC of which it is an affiliate.  X(-x(c) Separate officers, directors, and employees. A section 272 affiliate shall have separate officers, directors, and employees from the BOC of which it is an affiliate.  X-x(d) Credit arrangements. A section 272 affiliate shall not obtain credit under any arrangement that would permit a creditor, upon default, to have recourse to the assets of the BOC of which it is an affiliate.  X#-x(e) Arm'slength transactions. A section 272 affiliate shall conduct all transactions with the BOC of which it is an affiliate on an arm's length basis, pursuant to the accounting rules described in  32.27 of this chapter, with any such transactions reduced to writing and available for public inspection. "H& ,D'D'CC$"Ԍ X-ԙ  53.205` ` Fulfillment of certain requests. [Reserved]   X-     X- 53.207` ` Successor or assign. If a BOC transfers to an unaffiliated entity ownership of any network elements that must be provided on an unbundled basis pursuant to section 251(c)(3) of the Act, such entity will be deemed to be an "assign" of the BOC under section 3(4) of the Act with respect to such transferred network elements. A BOC affiliate shall not be deemed a "successor or assign" of a BOC solely because it obtains network elements from the BOC pursuant to section 251(c)(3) of the Act.  XX