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(AirTouch)(#  Y-2.XAlarm Industry Communications Committee (AICC)(#  Yw-3.XALLTEL Telephone Services Corporation (ALLTEL)(#  Y`-4.XAmerican Public Communications Council (APCC)(#  YI-5.XAmerica's Carrier's Telecommunication Association (ACTA)(#  Y2-6.XAmeritech(#  Y -7.XArch Communications Group, Inc. (Arch)(#  Y -8.XAssociation of Directory Publishers (ADP)(#  Y -9.XAT&T Corp. (AT&T)(#  Y -10.XBell Atlantic(#  Y -11.XBellSouth Corp. (BellSouth)(#  Y -12.XCable & Wireless, Inc. (CWI)(#  Y-13.XCalifornia Public Utility Commission (CaPUC)(#  Yz-14.XCincinnati Bell Telephone Company (CBT)(#  Yc-15.XCompetitive Telecommunications Association (CompTel)(#  YL-16.XCompuServe Incorporated (CompuServe)(#  Y5-17.XConsumer Federation of America (CFA)(#  Y-18.XExcel Telecommunications, Inc. (Excel)(#  Y-19.XFrontier Corp. (Frontier)(#  Y-20.XGTE Service Corporation (GTE)(#  Y-21.XInformation Technology Association of America (ITAA)(#  Y-22.XIntelcom Group (U.S.A.), Inc. (ICG)(#  Y-23.XLDDS WorldCom(#  Y-24.XMCI Telecommunications Corp. (MCI)(#  Y}-25.XMFS Communications Company, Inc. (MFS)(#  Yf-26.XNational Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC)(#  YO-27.XNew York State Assemblyman Anthony J. Genovesi(#  Y8-28.XNYNEX Telephone Companies (NYNEX)(#  Y!-29.XPacific Telesis Group (Pacific)(#  Y -30.XPaging Network, Inc. (PageNet)(#  Y-31.XPennsylvania Office of the Consumer Advocate (PaOCA)(#  Y-32.XPersonal Communications Industry Association (PCIA)(#  Y -33.XSBC Communications Inc. (SBC)(#  Y!-34.XSmall Business in Telecommunications, Inc. (SBT)(#  Y"-35.XSprint Corporation (Sprint) (#  Y#-36.XTelecommunications Resellers Association(TRA)(#  Yi$-37.XTeleport Communications Group Inc. (TCG)(#  YR%-38.XTexas Public Utility Commission (TexPUC)(#"R% ! +&&p&"Ԍ Y-39.XUnited States Telephone Association (USTA)(#  Y-40.XU S WEST, Inc. (U S WEST)(#  Y-41.XVirgin Islands Telephone Corporation (Vitelco)(#  Y-42.XWashington Utilities Transportation Commission (WUTC)  (#  Y-43.XYellow Pages Publishers Association (YPPA)(#  X-  X_-Reply Comments  Y1- 1.XAd Hoc Telecommunications Users Committee, The California Bankers Clearing House  Association, The New York Clearing House Association, and the Security Industries Association (Ad Hoc)(#  Y -2.XALLTEL(#  Y -3.XAICC(#  Y -4.XAmeritech(#  Y -5.XArch(#  Y-6.XADP(#  Yy-7.XAT&T (#  Yb-8.XBell Atlantic(#  YK-9.XBellSouth(#  Y4-10.CaPUC  Y-11.XCompetition Policy Institute (CPI)(#  Y-12.XCompTel(#  Y-13.XComputer Professionals for Social Responsibility (CPSR)(#  Y-14.XDirect Marketing Association (DMA)(#  Y-15.XEquifax, Inc. (Equifax)(#  Y-16.XGTE(#  Y-17.XInformation Industry Association (IIA)(#  Y|-18.XITAA(#  Ye-19.XIntermedia Communications Inc. (ICI)(#  YN-20.XLDDS WorldCom(#  Y7-21.XMCI(#  Y -22.XMobileMedia Communications, Inc. (MobileMedia)(#  Y - j23.XNational Telephone Cooperative Association and the Organization for the Promotion and Advancement of Small Telecommunications Companies (NCTA/OPASTCO)(#  Y-24.XNYNEX(#  Y -25.XPacific(#  Y!-26.XSBC(#  Y"-27.XSprint(#  Y#-28.XTRA(#  Yh$-29.XUSTA(#  YQ%-30.XUS WEST(#"Q% ! +&&p&"Ԍ Y-31.XWireless Technology Research (WTR)(#  Y-32.XYPPA