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This page contains information to help you improve your health, the health of your loved ones, and to assist those who need help with daily life. All of the topics open-up to display many links to helpful information.


Get information on the health of infants, children, teens, adults, seniors, veterans, caregivers, individuals with disabilities, and travelers. Locate health care providers and facilities.

Infants & Children






Individuals with Disabilities


Health Care Providers & Facilities

Compare Facilities



Financial Assistance

Find information on child support, paying for child care, aid for children with disabilities, Head Start, temporary assistance for needy families (TANF), paying for home heating and cooling, HHS Poverty Guidelines, and eligibility for federal government benefits.

Child Support

Paying for Child Care
Finding Help Paying for Child Care (Administration for Children & Families)

Benefits for Children with Disabilities
Benefits for Children with Disabilities  en español (Social Security Administration)

Head Start (Provides educational, health, nutritional, social and other services to economically disadvantaged children)
Head Start Locator (Administration for Children and Families)

Statistics on Families
America's Children in Brief: Key National Indicators of Well-Being  (
Find statistics on family and social environment, economic circumstances, health care, physical environment and safety, behavior, education and health.


Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)

Help to Pay for Home Heating and Cooling
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) en español (Administration for Children & Families)

Low Cost Health Care
Find a Health Center (Health Resources and Services Administration)

Eldercare Locator (Administration on Aging)

Adoption Information
Adoption Resources (Child Welfare Information Gateway)

HHS Poverty Guidelines
2009 HHS Poverty Guidelines

All Federal Government Benefits
Take Questionnaire: Check your eligibility for federal government benefits (



Health Insurance

Read about Medicaid, Medicare, and the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP).



State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP)

General Information






Learn how to recognize and prevent abuse and neglect, domestic or partner violence, substance abuse, and teen violence.

Abuse & Neglect

Domestic or Partner Violence

Substance Abuse

Teen Violence
Teen Violence  en español (MedlinePlus®)



Get statistics and reports on births, deaths, diseases, healthcare spending, and the health profession workforce.

  • National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) (Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC))
    NCHS (en español) is the principal health statistics agency. It collects data from birth and death records, medical records, interview surveys and through direct physical exams and laboratory testing.  A few of its statistical offerings are mentioned below.  Visit their home page to view other available data.
    • FastStats A to Z
      Provides quick access to statistics on topics of public health importance and is organized alphabetically. Links are provided to publications that include the statistics, sources of more data, and related web pages.
    • Health E-Stats
      Web-only release of selected statistics.
    • Health, United States
      Annual report on trends in health statistics. It contains more than 150 health tables on topics including birth and death rates, infant mortality, life expectancy, morbidity and health status, risk factors, use of ambulatory and inpatient care, health personnel and facilities, financing of health care, health insurance and managed care, and much more.
    • Health Data Interactive
      Presents tables with national health statistics for infants, children, adolescents, adults, and older adults. Tables can be customized by age, gender, race/ethnicity, and geographic location.
    • CDC Wonder
      Provides easy-to-use, menu-driven access to CDC statistical research data, as well as reference materials, reports and guidelines on health-related topics. Public-use data sets about mortality (deaths), cancer incidence, HIV and AIDS, tuberculosis, vaccinations, natality (births), census data and many other topics are available for query.
    • Public-Use Data Files and Documentation
      Users of this service have access to data sets, documentation, and questionnaires from National Center for Health Statistics surveys and data collection systems.
  • America's Children in Brief: Key National Indicators of Well-Being  (
    Find statistics on family and social environment, economic circumstances, health care, physical environment and safety, behavior, education and health.
  • Medicare/Medicaid Research, Statistics, Data & Systems (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS))
    Access information from the many Medicaid and Medicare data systems and annual Data Compendiums giving key statistics about CMS programs and health care spending.
  • Gateway to Data and Statistics (ASPE)
    Locate key health and human services data and statistics. Sources include federal, state and local government sponsored information.
  • Health Workforce Analysis Area Resource File (HRSA)
    Get data on more than 7,000 variables for each county in the U.S., including geographic codes and classifications; health professions supply and detailed demographics; health facility numbers and types; hospital utilization; population characteristics and economic data; environment; and health professions training resources. Reports can be customized.