Atmos Composition Hydrology A-Train AIRS Modeling NEESPI Precipitation
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The Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) has been successfully flown on four satellites (Nimbus-7, Meteor-3, Earth-Probe, and ADEOS) for daily monitoring of regional and global distribution of atmospheric ozone. TOMS has provided almost 30 years (1978-2006) long-term record of atmospheric ozone observations that has helped scientists in understanding the global ozone trend, ozone hole and ozone recovery. Though TOMS was designed for ozone monitoring, it also provided valuable information on the sources of tropospheric aerosols (dust and smoke) and its long-range transport, volcanic SO2, erythemal UV exposure, and effective reflectivity of the earth's surface and clouds.

Description Date
L2 Level 2 version 8 geolocated geophysical parameter data products at full instrument resolution for a single orbit in the new HDF-EOS5 (swath model) file format 1978-11-01
L3 Level 3 gridded version 8 ozone, aerosol, reflectivity and UV erythemal data at 1.25 degree longitude x 1.0 degree latitude resolution in HDF-EOS format. 1978-11-01
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  • Last updated: April 15, 2009 19:00:11 GMT