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Discoveries from the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland, promise to revolutionize our understanding of the universe. More than 900 scientists from 48 institutions in the U.S. participate in the U.S. CMS collaboration, supported by the Department of Energy and National Science Foundation.
View from the CMS collision hall. (Courtesy Michael Hoch, Adventure Art)
U.S. CMS consists of more than 400 physicists, 200 graduate students and 200 engineers, technicians and computer scientists, making it the largest national group in the international collaboration. The U.S. collaboration is making significant contributions to nearly every aspect of the detector throughout all phases, including construction, installation and preparation for data-taking. U.S. CMS also plays a major role in the construction and operation of the experiment’s computing facilities and software that will be needed to analyze the unprecedented amount of data that CMS will generate. These highly sophisticated computing tools will allow physicists to operate the CMS detector, reconstruct the data, analyze it and, ultimately, make discoveries.
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