Science at Fermilab

  • Energy Frontier

    Fermilab at the Energy Frontier

    High-energy physics experiments at the Energy Frontier use particle colliders and sophisticated detectors to explore the fundamental constituents and architecture of the universe.

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  • Intensity Frontier

    Fermilab at the Intensity Frontier

    Experiments at the Intensity Frontier explore fundamental particles and forces of nature using intense particle beams and highly sensitive detectors.

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  • Cosmic Frontier

    Fermilab at the Cosmic Frontier

    Particle physics experiments at the Cosmic Frontier use the cosmos as a laboratory to investigate the fundamental laws of physics.

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  • Benefits

    Benefits of Particle Physics

    From the earliest days of high energy physics in the 1930s to the latest 21st-century initiatives, the bold and innovative ideas and technologies of particle physics have entered the mainstream of society to transform the way we live.

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Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory advances the understanding of the fundamental nature of matter and energy by providing leadership and resources for qualified researchers to conduct basic research at the frontiers of high energy physics and related disciplines.

Fermilab's broad scientific program pushes forward on three interrelated frontiers of particle physics. Each uses a unique approach to making discoveries, and all three are essential to answering key questions about the laws of nature and the cosmos.

  • Highlights


CDF observes exotic relative of proton

The CDF experiment at Fermilab observed a new particle, the Omega-sub-b. The particle contains three quarks, two strange quarks and a bottom quark. It is an exotic relative of the much more common proton.

Discovery of rare single top quarks

Scientists of Fermilab's CDF and DZero collaborations observed particle collisions that produce single top quarks, a discovery significant in the Higgs boson search.

P5 report

The Particle Physics Project Prioritzation Panel proposes a strategic plan for the next 10 years to address the central questions in particle physics using a range of tools and techniques at three interrelated frontiers.

Result of the Week

At Fermilab’s Tevatron Collider, physicists have been telling the story of their research results in weekly installments for more than five years.

Last modified: 07/01/2009 |