COUPP Experiment - E961

COUPP - The Chicagoland Observatory for Underground Particle Physics, is an experiment (E961) in the underground MINOS near detector hall at Fermilab to demonstrate the performace of a 30 liter, 66 Kg, heavy liquid, room temperature, bubble chamber as a Dark Matter detector.

The Experiment

Proposal presentation slides Oct 19, 2006
PAC Comments and Recommendations Oct 19-21, 2006
Approval COUPP was granted Scientific (Stage I) approval on Nov 6, 2006
Physics - The COUPP Physics goals in words and pictures.
Masthead - The current COUPP author list
Collaborators - Names, addresses, phone numbers and Links to collaboration members' personal web pages
Detector - Description and status of the detector and other useful information
Publications - Published papers, talks and preprints
T-945 Test beam proposal - Work from the 1 liter chamber run in the MINOS Near Detector hall
COUPP at Work- COUPP's work space (protected)

Physics Resources

Last update of this page was  Fri Dec 8 10:45:58 CST 2006
Mail to the Spokesman: Juan I. Collar
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