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Q. What is the difference between a food allergy and a food intolerance?

Whats in Food
Find answers to questions like...
  • Where can I get information on the level of calories, fat, protein, vitamins and minerals in various foods?
  • What is the difference between calories and kilocalories?
  • Where can I find a chart or list of foods with calcium?
  • Is there a law that requires food labels to list ingredients that commonly cause food allergies?
  • Smart Nutrition 101
    Find answers to questions like...
  • I heard that the Food Guide Pyramid has been replaced. Is that true?
  • What is a “healthy diet”?
  • How can I find the newest Dietary Guidelines for Americans?
  • I would like to get advice about my eating habits.
  • How many servings do I need each day?
  • I've heard that people should cut back on how much trans fat they eat but I'm confused about what trans fats are and what foods have them.
  • I know there are different types of fiber in foods and that they have different effects on the body. Can you tell me about them? How much fiber should I eat?
  • How is food digested?
  • How do I know if nutrition information I find on the internet is reliable?
  • Weight Management
    Find answers to questions like...
  • How can I get enough nutrients without consuming too many calories?
  • How can I burn off my stored body fat?
  • How many calories do I need to burn to lose a pound of weight?
  • I’m on a diet to lose weight. Won’t doing exercise just make me hungrier?
  • Nutrition and Health Issues
    Find answers to questions like...
  • How can I get nutrition advice about a medical condition?
  • I just found out I have diabetes and need information to help me eat right.
  • Is it true that men can get osteoporosis? I thought it just affected women.
  • What is the difference between a food allergy and a food intolerance?
  • What are the most common foods that people are allergic to?
  • Shopping, Cooking and Meal Planning
    Find answers to questions like...
  • Where can I get information on food labeling?
  • I've just moved to a new area and would like to find out if there is a farmers market nearby.
  • Years ago I received information from USDA on canning fruits and vegetables and would like to know how to get updated information.
  • Does USDA have menus or recipes for people on a budget?
  • How can I avoid foodborne illness and food poisoning?
  • How long should I keep leftover food?
  • Dietary Supplements
    Find answers to questions like...
  • Can you direct me to information on dietary supplements (including herbal supplements) and alternative medicine?
  • Should I check with my physician or healthcare provider before taking a dietary supplement?
  • Is it true that I can get all the vitamins/minerals I need from the food that I eat?
  • What is the difference in water soluble and fat soluble vitamins?

  • Last Modified: Mar 12, 2008  
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