Shipping & Mailing
Select an option to ship or mail your packages, letters, or documents, and find tools to help you send them.
Express Mail®
Get guaranteed overnight delivery to most domestic locations.

Priority Mail®
Have your item delivered in an average of 2-3 days.

First-Class Mail®
Send letters, envelopes, and small packages.

Parcel Post®
Ship small and large packages with economical ground delivery service.

Bound Printed Matter
Send bound sheets of advertising, editorial, or directory material. Only available for Permit mailings.

Mail newspapers, magazines, or other publications.

Media Mail®
Ship books, CDs, DVDs, and other media.

Library Mail
Send educational materials to or between libraries, schools, or other qualified organizations.

International Delivery Services
Ship or mail to countries outside of the U.S.

Create Greeting Cards & Postcards!
Customize a card, add a gift card, and send it online!

Create Customized Direct Mailings
Create and manage your own direct mail marketing campaign online.

Online Tools to Help You Ship
Use these tools to make shipping and mailing easier.

Online tools to help you mail
Online Postage
Schedule a pickup
Track & Confirm