of Kepler Education and Public Outreach Projects

Kepler Star Wheel Thumbnail
Kepler Star Wheel -
a planisphere that you can use to find the location of the Kepler target field of view as well as naked eye stars known to have exoplanets visible from the northern hemisphere.


Planet Quest
The Search for Another Earth—an overview of exoplanet search programs at JPL.

Kepler Home > Educators
For Educators

Kepler in a Nutshell—what the Kepler mission is about, in simple terms.

The diagram below shows the main Kepler mission Education and Public Outreach (EPO) projects.
It is an interactive diagram:
click on a project name to find out more about it.

To kepler data page to Models and simulations Information through Kepler home To classroom activities Kepler home Link to Kepler StarDate page Jump to the Kepler amateur astronomers kit page Jump to Kepler planetarium page Connect to Kepler Exhibits page Connect to HOU information Connect to FOSS information Connect to GEMS information

Check for Teacher Workshops in your area or online.

Kepler spacecraftKepler and the International Year of Astronomy (IYA - 2009)

Kepler Speakers Bureau
...to request a speaker from the Kepler team
for an event you are planning.

Kepler Powerpoint Files
(Useful in public presentations)

Kepler powerpoint files

Here are the items from the diagram at the top of this page, but in list form:

Formal Education

  • GEMS
    (grades 3–5 & 6–8)
  • FOSS (grades 6–8)
  • HOU (grades 9–12)

Informal Education

Public Outreach


Educator's Links and Other Interactive Planet Detection Activities

  • Astro-Venture
    An educational, interactive, multimedia Web environment where students in grades 5-8 role-play NASA occupations, as they search for and build a planet with the necessary characteristics for human habitation.
  • Celestia—an open source, real time and space simulation. Tour the solar system. As open source - objects can be added. Extrasolar systems could be added. Time element can be speeded up to observe planetary orbits, moons' orbits.
  • Kepler's Discovery website (http://www.keplersdiscovery.com) is an educational adventure into the concepts, thought processes and consequences of Kepler's discoveries. It provides an excellent supplement to secondary school and college classes on astronomy, mathematics and the history of science.

The staff of the Kepler Education and Public Outreach program wish to gratefully recognize and acknowledge the contributions of the astronomy department at Western Kentucky University for their efforts in planning KeplerNet, even though that projectultimately could not be pursued due to budget constraints.

Kepler Home > Educators
NASA Ames Research Center Planet Quest Other NASA Missions Johannes Kepler