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About the Hydraulic Investigations
and Laboratory Services Group

Hydraulic Model of Bartlett Dam -- model  Bartlett Dam, Arizona -- prototype

The Hydraulic Investigations and Laboratory Services Group is a part of the Infrastructure Services Division of the Bureau of Reclamation's Technical Service Center (TSC), located in Denver, Colorado. The TSC includes work groups providing laboratory services, engineering design, and research services.

In 2005, the hydraulic laboratory celebrated 75 years of service to Reclamation and the water resources engineering profession.

The Hydraulic Investigations and Laboratory Services Group provides hydraulic testing, analysis, and research services via laboratory scale modeling, numerical modeling, field testing, analytical studies, and applied research and technology development programs. We employ 18 full-time engineers, technicians, and clerical support staff. Our laboratory shop is staffed by 8 craftsmen who construct the majority of the hydraulic models and also assist other research and laboratory testing groups in the TSC.  Studies are conducted specifically for Reclamation and for other organizations, including international clients, federal, state, and local governments, and private entities.

A tri-fold brochure describing our group is available in PDF format.


Last reviewed: 11/05/07