Atmos Composition Hydrology A-Train AIRS Modeling NEESPI Precipitation
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The Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) aboard the EOS Aura spacecraft (launched July 15, 2004) is a nadir pointing hyper-spectral imaging sensor that provides daily global measurements of earth-atmosphere back scattered radiances in 1560 wavelength bands in the ultraviolet and visible spectral region (264 to 504 nm) at a spatial resolution of 13x24 km. Also once a month, OMI provides measurements in a spatial zoom mode at a resolution of 13 x 12 km. These measurements are used to retrieve column amount of O3, NO2, SO2, and Aerosols (four of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's six criteria pollutants), as well as HCHO, BrO, OClO, Ozone Profiles, Effective Cloud Fraction and Pressure, and Surface Erythemal UV-B Irradiances.

Description Date
L1B_V003 OMI Level 1B calibrated and geolocated radiances and irradiances for 1467 wavelengths in the UV-VIS spectral region (264 to 504 nm) at approximately 0.5 nm spectral resoution, stored in EOS Hierarchical Data Format (HDF-EOS 2.4) which is based on HDF4. 2004-08-09
L2_V003 Level 2 geolocated geophysical parameter (O3, NO2, SO2, BrO, HCHO, OClO, Aerosol, and Cloud) data products at full instrument resolution, one orbit per file, archived in the new HDF-EOS5 (swath model) file format. SPATIAL and/or PARAMETER SUBSETTING is available. 2004-08-17
L2G_V003 Level 2G geolocated geophysical parameter (O3, NO2, SO2, BrO, HCHO, OClO, Aerosol, and Cloud) data products containing an entire day of L2 data binned to a global 0.25 deg x 0.25 deg grid, archived in the HDF-EOS5 (grid model) file format. SPATIAL and/or PARAMETER SUBSETTING is available. 2004-08-17
L3_V003 Daily Level 3 global gridded data products (Ozone, Aerosol, Effective Cloud Fraction at 0.25x0.25 deg and 1x1 deg global grids and Monthly Climatology of Lambertian Effective Surface Reflectivity at 0.5x0.5 deg grids), archived in the HDF-EOS5 (grid model) file format. 2004-08-17
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  • Last updated: April 15, 2009 19:00:11 GMT