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Biological Safety
Department of Energy
Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Department of Defense
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Other Groups
DOE N450.7 Notice
Health and Safety
Biological Safety
The Department of Energy's (DOE's) Biosafety Homepage provides a forum for the exchange of best practices, lessons learned, and guidance in the area of biological safety. This page is supported by the Biosurety Executive Team. The Biosurety Executive Team is a DOE-chartered group. The DOE Office of Worker Safety and Health Policy provides administrative support for this group. The group identifies biological safety-related issues of concern to the DOE and pursues solutions to issues identified.  
blue dot bullet Department of Energy

blue dot bullet Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

blue dot bullet Department of Defense

blue dot bullet Occupational Safety and Health Administration

blue dot bullet Other Groups

For futher information on the BioSafety Program, please email Dan Marsick or call 301-903-3954

This page was last updated on April 08, 2009
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