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Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000 (VTVPA)


Congress passed the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000 (VTVPA) in order to provide:

individuals who have been victimized in the most severe fashion with the ability to: remain in the US (temporarily and in some cases longer) and receive federal and state assistance; protections for certain crime victims including victims of crimes against women; and law enforcement agencies with a comprehensive law that will enable them to pursue the prosecution and conviction of traffickers.

This Webpage includes various agency links to information about the VTVPA, implementation of the law, and victim benefits and services.

Those who may be interested in this information include:

  • victims of a severe form of trafficking and non-governmental entities who may be working with such victims;
  • law enforcement officers so that they may better understand who is considered a victim of a severe form of trafficking; and
  • the general public on how the US Government will pursue traffickers of persons.

Law and Regulations: Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000 (VTVPA) (P.L. 106-386) 10/28/00


Protection and Assistance for Victims of Trafficking

  • Interim Rule 07/24/01
  • Effective date: 08/23/01      

New Classification for Victims of Severe Forms of Trafficking in Persons; Eligibility for T Nonimmigrant Status

  • Interim Rule 01/31/02
  • Effective date: 03/04/02
  • Comment period ends: 04/01/02 

New Classification for Victims of Certain Crimes; Eligibility for U Nonimmigrant Status Adjustment Procedures

Manuals, Handbooks, Guidance, and Brochures

     Attorney General Guidelines for Victim and Witness Assistance(2000 ed.) (DOJ), effective 1/31/00
     Victim Witness Brochure for Law Enforcement Agencies
     Trafficking in Persons: A Guide for Non-Governmental Organizations

Applications and Forms

Form I-914, Application for T Nonimmigrant Status (includes Supplements for Immediate Family Members and Federal Law Enforcement Officer's Declaration)

Law Enforcement Training Materials

      Victim Witness Brochure for Law Enforcement Agencies

T Nonimmigrant Status Application Process

       T Nonimmigrant Application Process (INS) 01/24/02

U Nonimmigrant Status Application Process

Assessment of Deferred Action in Requests for Interim Relief from U Nonimmigrant Status Eligible Aliens in Removal Proceedings

05/06/04 William R. Yates /s/ Janis Sposato HQOPS

Centralization of Interim Relief for U Nonimmigrant Status Applicants

10/08/03 William R. Yates /s/ Janis Sposato HQOPS

Press Materials

       Notice to the Press: Public Release of the 2005 "Trafficking in Persons Report," 6/1/05
       Notice to the Press: Release of the Trafficking Report 06/10/04 
       Secretary of State Press Release: Release of Trafficking Report 06/11/03 
       Secretary of State Special Briefing: Release of Trafficking Report 06/05/02
       Department of Justice Issues T Visa to Protect Women, Children and All Victims of Human Trafficking 01/24/02
       T Nonimmigrant Application Process (INS) 01/24/02 
       Attorney General's News Conference: Trafficking Regulations 07/18/01
       Secretary of State Press Release: Release of Trafficking Report 07/12/01
       Worker Exploitation Fact Sheet (DOJ) 03/27/01 
       Trafficking in Persons and Worker Exploitation Task Force (DOJ) (undated)

Reports on Other Government Trafficking Efforts

Title of Report                                                                                                             Issuing Agency                Report Date
Trafficking in Persons Report                                                                                  Department of State            06/3/05
Trafficking in Persons Report                                                                                  Department of State            06/10/04
Trafficking in Persons Report                                                                                  Department of State            06/09/03
Trafficking in Persons Report                                                                                  Department of State            06/05/02
Trafficking in Persons: USAID's Response                                                          USAID                                     09/01
Trafficking in Persons Report                                                                                  Department of State             07/01
The U.S. Government's International Anti-Trafficking in Persons Initiatives   Department of State             07/12/01
Special Briefing on Release of the Trafficking Report                                        Department of State              07/12/01

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