From Tue Nov 23 11:15:13 1999 Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 10:59:36 -0600 From: Eric Hawker To: Subject: non-oscillation meeting minutes (11/16/99) Hello, Here are the meeting minutes from the last non-oscillation meeting. - Kevin McFarland led a discussion on neutrino-electron scattering. These events have large backgrounds and small cross sections. This means to get the 10**7 or 10**8 events needed for a good measurement the experiment will need a big target. A good measurement of the Pt of the event is also needed (also true for Structure Function measurements I believe), but this will be difficult given the divergence of the neutrino beam. - The Pt spectrum of inverse muon decay events could be used to constrain (measure?) the actuall divergence of the beam. This could be important for long-baseline experiments. - Heidi has produced the next version of code to make ntuples of beam characteristics and cross sections. See - Gerry Garvey will give a short presentation about posible Form Factor measurements at the 12/14 meeting of the non-oscilation physics group. He thinks that a 10% measurement of the hydrogen and deuterium form factors at Q**2 <.1 GeV**2 could provide a very good measurement of delta s. - The non-oscillation group will be aiming for a completed rough draft of its section by about the end of January/begining of February. Also around that time we will try to have a "Neutrino Factory Physics workshop" - The next non-oscilation group meeting will be on 11/30/99 at 11:30 CST in WH12NW. Eric