Group 4: Oscillation measurements

Goals: Write the sections of the report describing
sensitivity for the measurement of the oscillation parameters
(mixing angles, delta m^2, CP violation, matter effects, presence
of sterile neutrinos) versus beam energy, intensity, baseline length, muon
polarization, detector details, etc. Address the possible oscillation
parameter space in general, and the points in parameter space specified by
the oscillation theory and scenarios group in particular.

Contact person: Debbie Harris (
People in group:
Carl Albright
Robert Bernstein
Mario Campanelli
Steve Geer
Debbie Harris
Kevin McFarland
Geoff Mills
Stephen Parke
Rob Plunkett
Eric Prebys
Rajendran Raja
Andre Rubbia
Panagiotis Spentzouris
Ray Stefanski
Mayda Velasco
Gokhan Unel

Meeting times:Fridays at 11:00AM, WH14X
Please contact Debbie if you'd like to be on the speaker phone.


New and Exciting Papers on the web:
Matter Effects by Mosciou and Shrock (hep-ph/9910554):
Matter Effects on Long Baseline Neutrino Oscillation Experiments
Steve Geer et al's new study (hep-ph/9911524):
Long-Baseline Study of the Leading Neutrino Oscillation at a Neutrino Factory

Background Ntuples:
NU_MU background ntuple
NUbar_MU background ntuple
NU_e background ntuple
NUbar_e background ntuple
WARNING--these are very large, 2x10^6 events generated.
To use these, please resort to the following guide: background ntuple guide

Current Status:(written 10/19/99)
We are working on finding or writing detector simulations for:

1. Coarse-grained steel calorimeter/toroid detector
2. "kinematic bubble chamber-like detector"
3. Cerenkov Detector

and we would like to see what kinds of signals would occur for
the various scenarios suggested by the theory group, for the different
detectors, and as a function of beam energy and distance.
Still another important issue to research is whether or not any
of these detectors could be used at the surface of the earth.
Please come join us if you feel we're missing a detector technology, or even if you don't!
Background Studies: (written 12/3/99), DAH,PGS,KSM
We are also trying to simulate and predict the levels of different
backgrounds from non-oscillating neutrinos. To do this a modified
version of the nutev cross section code is used, and ntuples will be
made of muon energy distributions for given generated neutrino
energies. The sources we will consider include:

pi/K decay within the hadronic shower--this can happen for
neutral current (NC) or charged current (CC) events, of course
charm production and decay within the hadronic
shower-- this can happen for neutral current or charged current events
both, although the NC charm production is down several orders of
magnitude from the CC charm production background.

The files here show what the predicted background levels are in a
perfect detector if one ONLY makes cuts on the muon momentum--the
first file ( low cuts ) assumes that one has perfect
acceptance and efficiency for muons above 4GeV and misses all muons
below 4GeV. The second file ( high cuts ) assumes
that one has perfect acceptance and efficiency for muons above 9GeV
and misses all muons below 4GeV. The eventual goal here is to put in
real detector efficiencies, smearing and acceptances. The plots are
vs generated neutrino energy--assuming a flat neutrino energy flux,
not the standard flux from muon decay.
Backgrounds vs energy for low cuts (PRELIMINARY!)
Backgrounds vs energy for high cuts (PRELIMINARY!)

Multicontour Fitting Studies: (written 12/9/99), Mario Campanelli
A brief description of fitting results with ICANOE-type detector
with ICANOE hadron electron and muon resolutions, and with
no backgrounds (yet):
are 2-dim contours in the plane delta m^2_{23}-theta_{23}; A has been
obtained in the one mass-squared approximation, the second (B) leaving
free all oscillation parameters. In all cases also the matter density
is left free, with a 10% uncertainty around the central value.
Plot C (PRELIMINARY!) is a fit of delta m^2_{12}-theta_{13},
again leaving free all other parameters.
Plot D (PRELIMINARY!) with very coarse due to
the poor binning (these fits take a lot of time) shows the contour
delta m^2_{12}-delta_{13}, where delta_{13} is the CP-violating phase,
that for high values of delta m^2_{12} (in this case, 10^{-4}) can be
measured with reasonable precision.
Last updated 9th Dec, 1999
D. Harris