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   Recent BES Powerpoint Presentations
Provided here are selected presentations given by the Director of BES since 2001 and some other related presentations.  These are often large Powerpoint (PPT) files that may take a long time to download within your browser. Right click on a PPT icon and select Save Target As to download a file to your hard drive for better viewing.


Download File Title of Presentation Date Presented
  (29 slides; 5.3 MB) Board on Physics and Astronomy Spring Meeting April 24, 2009
  (79 slides; 43.8 MB) Facing Our Energy Challenges in a New Era of Science June 5, 2007
  (33 slides; 31.7 MB) Basic Energy Sciences—Scientific User Facilities January 28, 2007
  (78 slides; 45.1 MB) Facing Our Energy Challenges in a New Era of Science:
Science, Scientists, and Our Energy Future 
November 27, 2006
  (35 slides; 16.2 MB) The American Competitiveness Initiative May 19, 2006
  (36 slides; 34.1 MB) Basic Energy Sciences Update April 21, 2006
  (64 slides; 71.1 MB) Some Energy Facts …
… Facing our energy challenges in a new era of science
April 18, 2006
  (40 slides; 45.3 MB) BES Update and Status of Facilities April 6, 2006
  (43 slides; 41.1 MB) Energy Challenges in a New Era of Science
Energy, Politics, Society, and Science
March 21, 2006
  (29 slides; 39.2 MB) Our Energy Challenges in a New Era of Science:  The Collision of Today’s Energy Reality, Society, Politics, and Science March 15, 2006
  (18 slides; 25.0 MB) Innovations in Science Management:  Science for Energy Strategies November 15, 2005
(21 slides; 1.9 MB) Beta Test of Alternative Metrics for Assessing the BES Light Sources October 17, 2005
 (29 slides; 28.4 MB) Some Energy Facts … September 26, 2005
  Nanotechnology: Energizing Our Future August 10, 2005
(22 slides; 4.6 MB) Basic Research Needs for the Hydrogen Economy November 18, 2004
(17 slides; 15.9 MB) The Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Money, and You May 5, 2004
(16 slides; 0.1 MB) "View from the Hill" (Ellen E. Burns) May 5, 2004
(29 slides; 10.3 MB) Chemistry in DOE's Office of Science April 20, 2004
(17 slides; 5.8 MB) Basic Research Needs for the Hydrogen Economy April 12, 2004
(46 slides; 59.9 MB) Overview Briefing for Staff of the House Science Committee February 27, 2004
(6 slides; 20.6 MB) Nanoscale Science and Technology in DOE’s Office of Science September 23, 2003
(47 slides; 58.8 MB) BES from 35,000 Feet June 17, 2003
(78 slides; 59.6 MB) Research Programs and Scientific User Facilities October 28, 2002
(33 slides; 36.6 MB) Basic Research Needs to Assure a Secure Energy Future October 21, 2002
(16 slides; 20.2 MB) NNI: From Vision to Commercialization April 30, 2002
(12 slides; 15.2 MB)
(1 slide; 0.5 MB)
Synchrotron Users Visit to Capitol Hill April 17-18, 2002
(27 slides; 25.5 MB) Nanoscience Activities in BES March 6, 2002
(33 slides; 23.1 MB) GPRA for COSEPUP February 27, 2002
(52 slides; 27.0 MB) Performance Assessment in SC January 24, 2002
(33 slides; 18.8 MB) State of the Physical Sciences April 27, 2001

Content Disclaimer: These files contain information that was created by a variety of sources internal and external to BES. The contents of these files were governed by the presenters at the time their talks were given. Transcripts of the actual presentations, which would provide explanations to many of the exhibits, are not available. We cannot guarantee the accuracy or currentness of the information in these files.

Office of Basic Energy Sciences | SC-22/Germantown Building | U.S. Department of Energy
1000 Independence Avenue, SW | Washington, DC 20585-1290 | 301/903-3081 | FAX: 301/903-6594 |