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Division of Materials Research

Materials World Network: Cooperative Activity in Materials Research between US Investigators and their Counterparts Abroad  (MWN)


Name Email Phone Room
Daniele  Finotello dfinotel@nsf.gov (703) 292-4676  1065N  
Carmen  I. Huber chuber@nsf.gov (703) 292-4939   

Contacts at other organizations:

Contact information in participating countries or regions is provided for the convenience of researchers in those countries or regions. Questions from US investigators should be directed to NSF

Africa-USA Materials Collaboration Contacts: (Please also see AFOSR initiative call details below)


Ministère de l'enseignement superieur et de la recherche scientifique


Rue Doudou Mokhtar Ben Aknoun, Algiers, Algeria


Prof. Houria Rebbah, Directrice


Tel: (213) 21-91-27-10, drsdt@wissal.dz


Dr. Charif Merouane


Tel: (213)21-91-33-04; othdrsdt@yahoo.fr



Science and Technology Development Fund


Dr. Abeer Shakweer, Manager, Planning and Monitoring


Ministry of Scientific Research


101 Kasr el-Aini Street, Cairo, Egypt





Addis Ababa University


Prof. Tsige Gebre-Mariam, Associate Vice President for Research and Graduate Programs


Addis Ababa University


P.O. Box 1176, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


Tel: +251-1-1239756; Fax: +251-1-1231087; Cellular: +251-911-242555; tsigegmw@phar.aau.edu.et; araya.asfaw@gmail.com



Ministry of Education, Science and Sports


P.O. Box MB 45, Accra, Ghana


Dr. Rexford Osei


Tel: +233 21 670305; Fax: +233 21 664067; rexford.osei@yahoo.com



Kenya National Academy of Sciences


P.O. Box 39450-00623, Nairobi, Kenya


Tel: 254-020-3111714; Fax: 254-020-311715


Prof. Bernard O. Aduda, Dep. of Physics, University of Nairobi


P.O. Box 30197-00100 GPO Nairobi





Ministère de l’Education Nationale, de l'Enseignement Supérieur, de la Formation des Cadres et de la Recherche Scientifique


Direction de la Technologie


Dr. Benbouida Mohammed, National Coordinator of the International Program Globe and Ocean for Life in Morocco


Tel:+212 661 356955; Fax:+212 537 217650 ;   benbouida@enssup.gov.ma; benbouida@hotmail.fr



National Agency for Science and Engineering Infrastructure


Idu Industrial Area, Idu Abuja, Nigeria


Prof. Olusegun Adewoye, Director General


Tel:  +234-805-5024934, +234-805-5024943 , +234-803-3127195; oadewoye@yahoo.co.uk



Ministère de la Recherche Scientifique


Dr. Arame Boye-Faye


Directrice de la Recherche Scientifique


Building Admistratif, 5ième étage, Dakar, Senegal


Tel: 00-221-822-92-48, or 00-221-822-92-98; Mobile: 00-221-637-00-23


arame@ucad.sn; aramefaye@yahoo.com



National Research Foundation



 P.O. Box 2600, Pretoria, 0001 South Africa

Raven Jimmy, International Research Grants


Tel: +27 012 481 4069; Fax: +27 12 481 4044; raven@nrf.ac.za



Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology


Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road; P.O. Box 4302; Dar es Salaam, Tanzania


Dr. Rose Rita Kingamkono, Actino Director General


Tel: 255-222-700745; 255-222-700746; 255-754-769808 (cell)


Fax: 255-22-2775314;rkingamkono@costech.or.tz; rose5306@yahoo.co.uk



Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Technology


Prof. Manef Abderrabba, Director General


Tel: +216 71 430 430, Cell: +216 98 64 30 10; manef.abderrabba@ipest.rnu.tn; manef@ecopark.rnrt.tn



National Council for Science and Technology


Plot 3/5/7, Nasser Road


P.O. Box 6884, Kampala, Uganda


Dr. Dr. Peter Ndemere, Executive Secretary


Tel: 256-414705500; Fax: 256-414-234579; incst@starcom.co.ug



Ministry of Science and Technology Development


Livingstone House, Harare, Zimbabwe


Dr. Francis P. Gudyanga, Permanent Secretary


Tel: 263 4 792490; Fax: 263 4 734986; fpgudyanga@zarnet.ac.zw; secretary@rcz.ac.zw





Dr. Aboubaker Beye, CEO


The CSIR, Building 46, Meiring Naude Road, Brummeria, P.O. Box 395,Pretoria, 0001, South Africa


Tel: +27 12 841 2898; Fax: +27 12 841 3152; Cell. +27(0)783527507             


acbeye@refer.sn; abeye@csir.co.za

Contacts in Europe and Eurasia :


Austrian Science Fund (FWF)




Sensengasse 1 A - 1090 Vienna


Dr. Doris Rakoczy, Scientific Administrator


Tel.: +43 1 505 67 40 8403, doris.rakoczy@fwf.ac.at



Ministry of Science, Education and Sports




Directorate for International Cooperation and European Integration


Donje Svetice 38


10000 Zagreb, Hrvastska/Croatia


Marija Crnic, Senior Adviser for Bilateral Cooperation


Tel: +385 1 4594 353; Fax: +385 1 4594 316; marija.crnic@mzos.hr



Czech Science Foundation - GAC




Narodni 3, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic


Prof. Bohuslav Gas


Tel: +420 221 951 296; Fax: +420 227 088 820, gas@natur.cuni.cz



Academy of Finland


Research Council for Natural Sciences and Engineering


http://www.aka.fi/ (also http://www.research.fi)


P.O. Box 99, FIN - 00501 Helsinki, Finland


Dr. Jan Bäckman , Science Adviser


Tel. +358 9 7748 8394, jan.backman@aka.fi


Tekes, Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation




P.O. Box 69, FIN - 00101 Helsinki, Finland


Mrs. Sisko Sipila, Chief Technology Adviser, Materials Technology


Tel. +358 1060 55845; sisko.sipila@tekes.fi



Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR)




212, rue de Berry F-75012 Paris, France


Dr. Nakita Vodjdani, nakita.vodjdani@agencerecherche.fr


Tel: +33-1 78 09 80 13


Dr. Jean-Pierre Chevalier, jean-pierre.chevalier@agencerecherche.fr


Tel: +33-1 78 09 81 14


Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)




3, rue Michel Ange 75794 Paris Cedex 16, France


Claire Giraud, Deputy Director for the Americas


Office of European and International Relations


Tel: +33 1 44 96 47 05; claire.giraud@cnrs-dir.fr



Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft




Kennedyallee 40, D-53175 Bonn, Germany


Dr. Michael Moessle, Program Manager for Condensed Matter Physics


Tel +49 2 28/8 85-2351, michael.moessle@dfg.de


Other German Organizations


Will be coordinated through Dr. Michael Moessle,


see above for contact information.



Hellenic Ministry of Development


General Secretariat for Research and Technology




14-18 Messogion Avenue, 115 10 Athens


Ms. Vassiliki Kerasioti


International Science and Technology Cooperation Directorate


Tel: 0030 210 7458119, vker@gsrt.gr



Fonds National de la Recherche




6, rue Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, P.O. Box 1777


L-1017 Luxembourg-Kirchberg


Mrs. Christiane Kaell, Programme Manager


Tel: 00352-261925-34, christiane.kaell@fnr.lu



Ministry of Science and Higher Education




Department for European and International Cooperation


Ms. Magdalena Maciejwska, magdalena.maciejewska@nauka.gov.pl


1/3 Wspolna Str, 00-529 Warsaw, Poland


Tel: +48 22 62 84 703; Fax: +48 22 52 92 781



Ministry of Education, Research and Sport


Executive Agency for Higher Education and Research Funding


1, Schitu Magureanu Blvd. 3rd floor, 5th sector


050025 Bucharest, Romania


Magda Cringasu, Deputy Director, magda.crangasu@uefiscsu.ro


Ms. Adriana Rotar, Tel: +40 21 307 1967; Fax: +40 21 307 1919





Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFRB)


32a, Leninsky prospect, 11991, Moscow, Russia


Maria Baktysheva, Senior Specialist, International Relations Department


Tel: +7 (495) 938-56-24; Fax: +7 (495) 938-54-56; prokhor@rfbr.ru



Ministry of Science and Innovation




C/Albacete, 5


28027 Madrid - SPAIN


Dr. Carlos Prieto ; Tel. +34-91-603-7738;  cprieto@icmm.csic.es


Rosa Rodriguez Bernabe, rosar.bernabe@micinn.es



Swiss National Science Foundation




Wildhainweg 20


P.O. Box 8232


3001 Bern, Switzerland


Dr. Paul Burkhard, Division II - Mathematics, Natural & Engineering Sciences


Tel. 41-31-308 22 22, pburkhard@snf.ch



Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter (FOM)




Postbus 3021, 3502 GA Utrecht, The Netherlands


Drs. Floor van de Pavert, Program Officer


Tel: +31-30-6001217, Fax: +31-30-6014406; floor.van.de.pavert@fom.nl







221 Ataturk Bulvari, 06100 Ankara, Turkey


Prof. Dr. Omer Anlagan, Vice President


Tel: +90 312 467 82 80, omer.anlagan@tubitak.gov.tr


Elif Dogan Arslan, Scientific Programmes Assistant Expert


Bilateral and Multilateral Relations Division


International Cooperation Department


TUBITAK Tunus Cad. No. 80


06100 Kavaklidere / Ankara / Turkey


Tel: +90 312 468 53 00 ext. 2761; Fax: +90 312 427 74 83





State Fund for Fundamental Research




16 Shevchenko Blvd, Kyuv, 01601, Ukraine


Dr. Andrey Ragulya, Deputy Director, Institute for Problems in Materials Science


Tel:(+38-044)424-7435;Fax:(+38-044)424-1533; ragulya@ipms.kiev.ua



Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)




Polaris House


North Star Avenue, Swindon SN2 1ET, U.K.


Dr. Natalie Stear, Portfolio Manager, Physical Sciences Programme


Tel. 44-(0)-1793 444260, NSFmaterials@epsrc.ac.uk



European Science Foundation




Physical and Engineering Sciences


1 quai Lezay-Marnesia, 67080 Strasbourg cedex, France


Mr. Neil Williams


Head of Unit and Committee Secretary


Tel. +33 (0)3 88 76 71 07, Fax +33 (0)3 88 37 05 32; pesc@esf.org

Contacts in Asia:


National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)




83 Shuangqing Road, Haidian District,  Beijing, 100085, China


Dr. Li Ming, Director


Department of Engineering and Material Sciences


Tel.: 86-10-62327100/6844; Fax : 86-10-62327133; lim@mail.nsfc.gov.cn


Dr. Shou-zhu Zhang, Director


Division of Physics I


Tel: 86-10-62327181; Fax:86-10-62327175; zhangsz@nsfc.gov.cn


Dr. Jianhua Dong, Director


Division IV, Department of Chemical Sciences





Department of Science and Technology (DST)




International Cooperation Division, Dept. of Science and Technology


Technology Bhawan


New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi - 110016, India


Dr. B.K. Jain; Scientist-G & Head (Americas and Russia Programme)


Tel: +91-11-26961583/26590613; Fax: +91-11-26961583


jainbk@nic.in; bhushankjain@yahoo.com



Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)




Ms. Satoko Tada, Research Cooperation Division I


International Program Department


6 Ichibancho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-8471, Japan




Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)




Dr. Kenkichi Hirose


Senior Executive Director


Sanbancho Bldg.


5, Sanbancho Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0075, Japan


Tel. +81-3-3512-3544; Fax: +81-3-3222-2069; hirose@jst.go.jp


New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO)




Mr. Hidefumi Nakashima, Director General, Research and Development Promotion Department

 Tel. +81-44-520-5170  nakashimahdf@nedo.go.jp

Mr. Makito Takami, Chief Representative, Representative Office in Washington DC




National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS)




1-2-1 Sengen, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0047 Japan


Mr. Masahiro Takemura, Director, Internacional Affairs Office


Tel. +81-29-859-2402; Fax +81-29-859-2049;





Korea Science and Engineering Foundation (KOSEF)




180-1, Kajeong-Dong, Youseong-Koo, Taejon-City, Korea


Dr. Jong-Deok Kim, Head, Team of International Cooperation


Division of External Relations


Tel. + 82 -(0)42-869-6410; jdkim@kosef.re.kr



Academy of Sciences Malaysia




902-4, Jalan Tun Ismail, 50480 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Ms. Tengku Sharizad Tengku Dahlan, Senior Science Officer


Tel.+603-26949898;  Fax +603-2694-5858





Agency for Science Technology and Research (A*STAR)


Science and Engineering Research Council (SERC)




1 Fusionopolis Way #18-10 Connexis North Singapore 138632


Mr. Andy Chan, Deputy Director (Council Operations and Planning)


Ms. Chia Siao-Wei, Senior Officer (Research Capability Development)


Tel: +65 6826 6111;  Fax: +65 6779 8061; chia_siao_wei@a-star.edu.sg



National Science Council




Prof. Dr. Ching-Ray Chang, Director General


Department of International Cooperation


21F, 106 Ho-Ping E. Rd. Sec. 2, Taipei, Taiwan 10636


Tel:+886-2-2737-7558; Fax:+886-2-2737-7607; crchang@nsc.gov.tw


Solicitation  09-600

As announced on May 21st, proposers must prepare and submit proposals to the National Science Foundation (NSF) using the NSF FastLane system at http://www.fastlane.nsf.gov/. This approach is being taken to support efficient Grants.gov operations during this busy workload period and in response to OMB direction guidance issued March 9, 2009. NSF will continue to post information about available funding opportunities to Grants.gov FIND and will continue to collaborate with institutions who have invested in system-to-system submission functionality as their preferred proposal submission method. NSF remains committed to the long-standing goal of streamlined grants processing and plans to provide a web services interface for those institutions that want to use their existing grants management systems to directly submit proposals to NSF.

Please be advised that the NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) includes revised guidelines to implement the mentoring provisions of the America COMPETES Act (ACA) (Pub. L. No. 110-69, Aug. 9, 2007.) As specified in the ACA, each proposal that requests funding to support postdoctoral researchers must include a description of the mentoring activities that will be provided for such individuals. Proposals that do not comply with this requirement will be returned without review (see the PAPP Guide Part I: Grant Proposal Guide Chapter II for further information about the implementation of this new requirement).


Full Proposal Deadline Date:  November 11, 2009


Continued progress in fundamental materials and condensed matter research is increasingly dependent upon collaborative efforts among different disciplines, as well as closer coordination among funding agencies and effective partnerships involving universities, industry, and national laboratories. In addition, because of the growing interdependence of the world's economies, partnerships are important not only at the national level but from an international point of view as well. The National Science Foundation is working jointly with counterpart national, regional and multinational funding organizations worldwide to enhance opportunities for collaborative activities in materials research and education between US investigators and their colleagues abroad. This solicitation describes an activity to foster opportunities for such collaborations. It includes joint activities between NSF and funding organizations in Africa, Asia, and  Europe.

Proposals submitted to NSF in response to this solicitation must have clear relevance to research supported by the NSF Division of Materials Research (DMR), as they will be evaluated within the context of programmatic areas within DMR: condensed matter physics, solid state and materials chemistry, polymers, biomaterials, metallic materials and nanostructures, ceramics, electronic and photonic materials, and condensed matter and materials theory. Proposals not appropriate for DMR consideration will be returned without review. NSF will accept proposals from US universities and colleges addressing collaborations between researchers from the US and participating countries or regions. Concurrently, investigators at non-US research institutions should submit to the counterpart funding organization in their country or region a request for support of their side of the collaboration. Investigators in Africa may also seek support for their side of the collaboration through the US Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) African Materials Initiative (see section IX). NSF will consider support of all appropriate research costs for the US side of such collaborations, with the expectation that funding or research organizations from the appropriate countries or regions will consider supporting the costs of the non-US participants. Projects proposed to NSF are expected to offer students and junior researchers the opportunity to participate in international research and education experiences and, more generally, for integrating research and training in an international environment, and to clearly demonstrate the value added by the international collaboration. Projects are also expected to broaden the participation of underrepresented groups (e.g. gender, ethnicity, disability, geographic, etc).



Chemistry and Materials research at the interface between Science and Art

International Planning Visits and Workshops

Developing Global Scientists and Engineers (International Research Experiences for Students (IRES) and Doctoral Dissertation Enhancement Projects (DDEP))

Research Experiences for Undergraduates

Pan-American Advanced Studies Institutes Program

East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes for U.S. Graduate Students

International Research and Education in Engineering (IREE)

International Research Fellowship Program


Office of Special Programs

Opportunities that Highlight International Collaboration

Abstracts of Recent Awards Made Through This Program


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The National Science Foundation, 4201 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, Virginia 22230, USA
Tel:  (703) 292-5111, FIRS: (800) 877-8339 | TDD: (800) 281-8749
Last Updated:
October 1, 2009
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Last Updated: October 1, 2009